
SE - Summer Series; Favorite Attributes of God; God's Will and Sovereignty


6-30-24 Biblical-Literacy Brent Johnson taught a new summer series: Favorite Attributes of God -based on The Westminster Confession of Faith. Brent selected "Working all things according to the council of his immutable and righteous will, for his own glory.ā€ Brent started by sharing some background on the confession which was drafted in Westminster Abbey and published in 1647 providing an overview of the Bible and ultimately influential in Protestant Christianity. .Brent proceeded by digging deeper into the meaning of the selected attribute including:: -Gods will and Sovereignty: God is at work in everything: both believers and pagans.. -Your trust in peace: The power of prayer for peace that we do not understand. Points for home ā€¢Resist Satan ā€¢Stand firm in your faith ā€¢God will restore Listen to Brent teach of Godā€™s sovereignty by pointing out in Scripture who He is, His glory, His work, His attributes, and our resulting confidence.


Speaker: Pastor Brent Johnson

