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Chapter 1- Snapshots of Jesus as Seen Throughout the Gospels; Gospel of Mark: |
01/09/2022 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark began a new series titled Snapshots of Jesus as seen throughout the Gospels. Today focused on the Gospel of Mark. This New Testament synoptic Gospel is not  written in chronological order. Rather the stories of Jesus are repeated themes for the reader to contrast and compare. The first thirteen verses of the Gospel of Mark are written from Godâs perspective followed by verses that reflect manâs bewilderment at Jesusâ teachings. Todayâs lesson reviews three aspects: the writer's Perspective, Greek/Roman influence, and the Biblical concept. |
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Chapter 2, Snapshots of Jesus; How do you see Jesus |
01/23/2022 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continued with the series, Snapshots of Jesus from the Gospel of Mark. This weekâs topic was âHow Do You See Jesus?â Mark had three lenses for us to grasp:
1. Who is Jesus? He is the Son of God.
2. Jesus in the midst of spiritual warfare. Jesus came to destroy evil.
3. Donât miss Him. Have faith and trust in The Son of God.
Listen to Mark teach on how to see Jesus beyond His role as our Lord and Savior. He is the holy One of God, the One who makes us clean. |
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Chapter 3 - Snapshots of Jesus, What's the significance of Jesus as the |
01/30/2022 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continued with Snapshots of Jesus from the Gospel of Mark. Todayâs topic: What is the Significance of the references to "Son of Manâ throughout the Bible? The Gospel of Mark mentions Jesus as the Son of Man fourteen times. During biblical times, culture used the term to show a man was known as son of man (Name of man, son of Name-of-the-father). In the Old Testament, son of man was reference 107 times, meaning me or people themselves. In Daniel 7:13, the term takes on apocalyptic meaning or prophecy of Jesus.
In the Gospel of Mark, son of man can be categorized as either:
Present activity of Jesus
Sufferings of Jesus
Future Vindication
Listen to Mark explain the significance of Jesus as the Son of Man. We want to see Jesus, so we can praise Him, and follow Him. |
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Chapter 4 - Snapshots of Jesus as seen through the Gospels; Gospel of Mark |
02/06/2022 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continued Snapshots of Jesus from the Gospel of Mark asking the question: Where are you headed in life? Mark began the lesson with the definition of the Greek word hodos, which has three meanings that are used throughout the Bible: 1) a way for traveling or moving from one place to another, way, road, or highway 2) the act of traveling, way, trip, journey 3) a way of behavior or the course of life. The Gospel of Mark used hodos, translated this way 16 times. Life is a unique journey that we make when we choose to follow Jesus.
The way:
1. Path or road - the physical road we walk
2. Way of life - the Christian way is one of practical, everyday trust and faith.
3. Christ is the way of salvation.
Listen to Mark teach how the Greek word Hodos or the way applies to followers of Christ today.
2-6-22 Biblical-Literacy |
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1453 |
Chapter 7 - Snapshots of Jesus as seen through the Gospels, Gospel of Mark |
02/27/2022 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continued teaching Snapshots of Jesus from the Gospel of Mark. Todayâs lesson was
titled How Do You Walk Through Life?
Mark 4:35-41 presents a crescendo of Jesusâ four miraclesâ
1. Defeats Nature: Jesus calmed the sea. We see the humanity of the weary Jesus and His divine
2. Defeats Demons: Jesus casts out a legion of demons and sent them into pigs and drowns them.
3. Defeats Sickness: The healing of Jairusâs twelve-year-old daughter and the woman with a
discharge of blood for twelve years.
4. Defeats Death: Jesus raises a twelve-year-old girl from the dead.
Listen to Mark share insights of these four miracles. No power can withstand the Kingdom of God or the Lord |
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Chapter 6 - Snapshots of Jesus, Worldview, as seen Throughout the Gospels; Gospel of Mark |
02/20/2022 |
Brent Johnson |
In this chapter of Snapshots of Jesus, Pastor Brent Johnson discusses the idea of Biblical Worldview. He provides a definition for âWorld View, as âan understanding of the world, which informs oneâs fundamental beliefs and assumptions, which builds a framework of ideas & attitudes about the world and how it works.â It is informed by your upbringing, your culture, your religion.
Brent in his discussion addresses topics and questions that are reflected in our World View:
1. What is the prime reality?
2. Origin
3. Destiny
4. Purpose
5. Morality
He continues by referring to several World Views, but his focus is the World View of âTheism,â which is what Christianity is associated with. Brent also addresses the difference between Christian World View and the Biblical World View, and specifically discusses the Biblical view of the Kingdom of God, Evangelism, Communing with God and revealing the laws.
Biblical references: Luke17:20-21, Luke4:42-44, Mark1:14-15, John3:3-8
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Chapter 5 - Snapshots of Jesus, Challenges To Jesus |
02/13/2022 |
David Capes |
Biblical-Literacy 2-13-22
Dr DavId Capes continued as guest teacher in the Snapshots of Jesus series from the Gospel of
Mark. Todayâs focus was How do you see Jesus?
In the Gospel of Mark ,we see Jesus locked in conflict. In chapters 5 and 6, we see three
accusations and Jesusâ response to each.
1. Friend of sinners. Those who are well have no need of a physician.
2 Lord of the Sabbath - the sabbath was made for man.
3. Has all authority in heaven and earth.
Listen to Dr. Capes share how culture and age affect how Jesus was praised, criticized, and
condemned because the people didnât understand His mission. |
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1458 |
Chapter 8 - Snapshots of Jesus as seen through the Gospels, Gospel of Mark |
03/13/2022 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark completes Snapshots of Jesus from the Book of Mark lesson series by reflecting on the spread of Christianity after the Crucifixion of Christ.
The journey starts with a pictorial view of the spread of Christianity across continents and Oceans bringing us to 2021 and beyond.
Mark identifies the top four countries that,to this day, continue persecution of Christians in many forms.
He shows statistics that hundreds of millions of people are still in 2021 being
persecuted for their religious beliefs. Mark also showed that tens of thousands of Christians are still being persecuted in various other ways including death, illegal detention, imprisonment and more.
Mark then introduced two prominent historical figures who were staunch
believers, willing to give their lives to have a better life in Godâs Kingdom.
Tertullian 155- 220 and Polycarp 69 -156.
Mark discussed in detail Mark 8: 34 and 9: 1
These verses address thought of self, verses denying oneâs self and following God.
Mark closes by answering the question should you lose yourself in the pursuit of God.
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Chapter 9 - Snapshots of Jesus as seen through the Gospels, Gospel of Matthew |
03/20/2022 |
Dr. David Capes |
Dr. David B. Capes taught for Mark this week providing an overview of the Gospel of Matthew as part of the Snapshots of Jesus series. Dr. Capes posed the question: If we knew the Old Testament well, how might it impact how we read Matthew?
In Matthew 1:1, we see Jesus as:
1. Messiah - God with us, Son of Man, LORD. One who is anointed. Godâs chosen anointed agent whose task is to liberate the world from disease, death, spiritual power, sin, and oppression (including religion and political).
2. Son of David - Davidâs kingdom will continue through the Messiah. Davidâs son would be on the throne of David forever.
3. Son of Abraham - Jesus is true Israel. Godâs covenant with Abraham and His promise to be a blessing to all nations.
We discover Matthew purposely mentions five women in the lineage of Jesus: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, wife of Uriah (Bathsheba), and Mary mother of Jesus. Jesusâ teachings demonstrate women have a new role in the kingdom of God. Outsiders have become insiders.
Listen to Dr. Capes explain an overview of Jesus from the Gospel of Matthew. Jesus is the fulfiller of prophecy. God with us. |
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1460 |
Chapter 10 - Snapshots of Jesus as seen through the Gospels, Gospel of Matthew |
03/27/2022 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continued with Snapshots of Jesus from the Gospel of Matthew. Mark showed the similarities and distinctions between Moses the prophet and Jesus; both were commissioned to bring Godâs people out of slavery. Moses was a man who communicated Godâs message to His chosen people. Jesus is the Son of God who authored the message. Jesus is a willing prophet but Moses had to be convinced. Mark elaborates how the two were similar, distinct and the reasons why.
Listen to Mark expound Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew, the meaning of the word blessed, and how we can listen to Jesus, choose wisely, and why we should let Him work on us on the inside to be more like Him. |
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1461 |
Chapter 11 - Snapshots of Jesus as seen through the Gospels, Gospel of Matthew |
04/03/2022 |
Mark Lanier |
4-3-22 Biblical Literacy
Snapshots of Jesus from Matthew.  Todayâs lesson focused on Matthew 15.  Mark uses a boxing match to illustrate the lesson.
Round 1. Pharisees and the scribes vs the disciples not washing their hands before eating
Jesus comments on what God says vs what the elders say and called them hypocrites.
Round 2.  The Canaanite woman who demonstrated great faith in asking Jesus to heal her daughter.
Listen to Mark discuss how the cross of Christ is a stumbling block for unbelievers and questions to ponder: Why do I come to Jesus? How am I
doing on hypocrisy? What is coming out of my heart and mind? How am I handling Godâs tests?
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Chapter 12, Snapshots of Jesus continues, Holyweek |
04/10/2022 |
Mark Lanier |
4-10-22 Biblical-Literacy
Mark taught today on Holy Week, giving us snapshots of Jesus from the days leading to the crucifixion and Resurrection Sunday/Easter
- Palm Sunday-The Triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. The people went out to meet Him, just as we are to meet Jesus every day.
- Holy Monday-Jesus came as a man of peace, fulfilling Old Testament prophecy.
- Holy Tuesday-The puzzle of God or Word of God? Jesus was pierced for our transgressions. God is a just God.
- Holy Wednesday-Mary anoints the feet of Jesus with expensive oil. Are we giving our best to the Lord?
- Maundy Thursday-The instruction of Jesus. Jesus washed the feet of His disciples. He washes us clean
- Good Friday-The day of Jesusâ crucifixion
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Chapter 13 - Snapshots of Jesus as seen through the Gospels, Gospel of Matthew |
05/01/2022 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark introduces todayâs class with a reminder of the context of the writers of Mark and Matthew with a focus on Snapshots of Jesus from the Gospel of Matthew. Markâs Gospel was written on behalf of Peter for a largely Gentile audience, and Matthewâs Gospel was written for the Jewish people.
Today Mark taught three important points about the context of Matthew:
1. Matthew as a Gospel
2. The various passages in Matthew in relation to the Jewish audience context.
3. Points for home: God loves me; God loves you; and watch God at work.
Listen to Mark share how God wove His divine purpose in Matthewâs Gospel and throughout the Bible. |
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1465 |
Chapter 14 - Snapshots of Jesus as seen through the Gospels, Gospel of Matthew |
05/08/2022 |
Mark Lanier |
5-8-22 Biblical-Literacy
Mark taught Motherâs Day: Lessons and instructions from the Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 6 as he continued Snapshots of Jesus. Manners of righteousness, the how and why.
- The Instruction - Matthew 6:1-4
Danger is always present. Beware of practicing righteousness in front of people. We donât do it to be seen by them. Instead allow our reward to be from God and in heaven.
- The Applications - Matthew 6:5-6
Give in secret. Donât let your right hand know what your left hand is doing. Pray in secret. Practice humility. Your Father who is not seen will see and reward you. Pray with a sincere heart., not with many words. Fast in secret. May it not be seen by others. Listen to Mark summarize Jesusâ instructions for the righteous life that pleases God |
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Chapter 15 - Snapshots of Jesus as seen through the Gospels, Gospel of Matthew |
05/15/2022 |
Mark Lanier |
5-15-22 Biblical-literacy
Mark continued his series of Snapshots of Jesus returning to the Gospel of Matthew and addressing a few odd passages.
- Friends. Matthew 11:16-19 - Jesus was a friend of sinners and to me. Wisdom bears fruit.
- Vegetables Matthew 13:31-32 - Big things can grow from little starts.
- Moving Matthew 8:1-3 - Although we are all unclean lepers, Jesus will never turn you away when you come to Him for help.
- Bonus Passage. Matthew 20:20-22 - James and Johnâs motherâs request. God knows best.
Listen to Mark explain how Jesus is our friend, our faith may start small, but it grows. Mark encourages us to approach Jesus for all things.
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Chapter 16 - Snapshots of Jesus as seen through the Gospels, Gospel of Matthew |
05/22/2022 |
Mark Lanier & Dr. Simon Gathercole & Dr. David Capes |
Synopsis Biblical Literacy Class Chapter 16 05/22/22
Mark continues the Snapshots of Jesus, as found in the Gospel of Matthew
Todayâs lesson focuses on what is in a âNameâ, and how to interpret the many âNames â Jesus
was called throughout the scriptures of Matthew.
We had the privilege of having Dr. Simon Gathercole from Cambridge University and a
translator of the NIV version of the Bible and Dr. David Capes, the Senior Research Fellow at
the Lanier Theological Library
Mark explained, as a precursor to the scriptures, that a Name can refer to Reputation,
Character and Accomplishments.
The specific Gospels discussed in detail were;
Matthew 1:21
The Name of Jesus or in Hebrew, Joshua
âThrough Jesus God will save his peopleâ
Matthew 1:23
An Angel told Joseph, âThe Virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call
him Immanuel âwhich means âGod with usâ
Matthew 2:23
In this passage they discuss the significance and origin throughout the Scriptures the
reference to Jesus as a Nazarene.
In closing they discuss Matthew 20:30, specifically the phrase,
âLord Son of David, have mercy on us, wat is the Meaning and use of âLordâ
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1468 |
Chapter 17 - Snapshots of Jesus as seen through the Gospels, Gospel of Matthew |
05/29/2022 |
Mark Lanier |
Synopsis Biblical Literacy Class Chapter 16 05/29/22
Mark continues the Snapshots of Jesus, as found in the Gospel of Matthew
Todayâs lesson focuses on interpreting and clarifying problem passages submitted by class members,
Matthew 27: 51-53
Mt. 27:51 â And behold , the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom.â
He discussed the meaning of this and what the separation of the curtain meant
1. All people have access to God through Jesus Christ
2. Jews and Gentiles and included in the Kingdom of God
3. The temple being Destroyed
4. God has broken forth from his Temple, Mt; 3:16 Baptism of Jesus, the heavens were
open to Jesus
5. God is angry over the death of Jesus
Mt. 27:52-53
1. Death and resurrection were referred to by Paul as the Gospel
2. Put us all on notice of the power of the Gospel
3. God speaking to the power of the Gospel
Mt. 18:5
Question was asked; Is there a special hidden meaning in the word âwelcomeâ, in
this passage:
Mark answered this, in detail, with a reference to Luke18:17
Mt. 5:21
âŚ.. âYou shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable to judgement.â
Mark discusses how humanity is recognized in Godâs eyes and the Bibleâs clarity about how we
should care about human life.
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Chapter 18 - Snapshots of Jesus as seen through the Gospels, Gospel of Luke |
06/12/2022 |
Scott Riling |
Biblical Literacy - June 12, 2022
Scott Riley taught the Biblical Literacy class today on Snapshots of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke. He had three areas of focus:
1) The kindness of God
A supernatural reliance on the kindness of God. Love and do goodâfriends and enemiesâwithout anything in return.
Walk in the power of God with love and mercy.
2) The strength of God
What is impossible with man is possible with God.
Total dependence and reliability on God.
3) The loyalty of God
God is for us.
Jesus is constantly interceding for us.
Listen to Scott share biblical insight into our sovereign God. Looking to His example we need to be
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1471 |
Chapter 21 - Snapshots of Jesus as seen through the Gospels, Gospel of Luke |
07/04/2022 |
David Capes |
Dr. David Capes taught Snapshots of Jesus from the Gospel of Luke. This week, his focus was from Luke 10 with the lawyerâs question to Jesus: What is the goal of life? He expanded on:
1. Some possible answers to that question: 1) meaningless, 2) get all you can, and/or life, 3) liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
2. Famous story:Â a lawyer asked Jesus what should he do to inherit eternal life? Jesus first responded with the story commonly known as the Good Samaritan. The lawyer then asked for clarification regarding Who is my neighbor and love your neighbor as yourself.
3. Some takeaways: Love God, Love your neighbor, and Compassion is costly.
Listen to Dr. Capes expound on the deeper meaning of Jesusâ response toâWhat is the goal of life? â and how that response applies to our lives today.
Join us Sundays at 9:30am CST! Links below:
YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCfocCxLc8BFCta-NO4JkTcA?view_as=subscriber
CFBC Website: championforest.org/worship/watch/biblit.php
Facebook: facebook.com/Biblical-Literacy-195629981890/
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Chapter 22 - Snapshots of Jesus as seen through the Gospels, Gospel of Luke |
07/11/2022 |
Mark Lanier |
Snapshots of Jesus from the Gospel of Luke. Mark taught todayâs lesson about some of the women Luke records in His Gospel as cultural outsiders who became insiders.
1. Mark referenced several women passages and then focused on a first story where Jesus raises a widowâs son from the dead. 1) The Lord had compassion on the widow. 2) He said "Do not weep". 3) He touches the plank holding the dead man. 4) He speaks to the dead man to rise. A second story was when a woman anointed Jesus with Alabaster ointment.
2. The challenge for today - We see the world and its people one way, but God sees it as it really is. God wants us to find the outsiders and make them insiders.
3. Points for home
See the compassion of Jesus
See the compassion of Jesus on others
See the compassion of Jesus on me |
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1473 |
Chapter 19 - Snapshots of Jesus as seen through the Gospels, Gospel of Luke |
06/19/2022 |
Mark Lanier |
6-19-2022 Biblical Literacy
Mark continued with Snapshots of Jesus transitioning to the Gospel of Luke. Mark explained Lukeâs background, the author of Luke and Acts. Luke uses the pronoun âtheyâ when the events were told to him, and âheâ when he was not an eyewitness. Luke puts the sources by name into his accountings, showing his attention to detail. Luke, the physician and historian traveled with Paul during a voyage. For some New Testament passages, both writers appeared to share the same notes.
Some Luke takeaways:
1. God does speak to us.
2. God gives us choices.
3. We are to listen and learn. |
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1474 |
Chapter 20 - Snapshots of Jesus as seen through the Gospels, Gospel of Luke |
06/26/2022 |
Mark Lanier |
6-26-22 Biblical Literacy
Mark continued sharing Snapshots of Jesus from the Gospel of Luke. This weekâs theme focused on U-turns. Luke shows how the world is off course, but God is reversing the world.
Good news:
Elizabeth becomes pregnant in her old age with John the Baptist who will turn many of the children of Israel to God.
Mary learns she is pregnant with Jesus who will sacrifice his life for the world.
Bad news:
God has scattered the proud and mighty.
Good news for the needy. Bad news for the self sufficient.
Mark compares Matthewâs 9 Blessings with Lukeâs 4 Blessings & 4 Woes
Our faith needs to change our mission, vision, and values. Mark concludes with his Snapshot Points for
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1475 |
Chapter 23 - Snapshots of Jesus as seen through the Gospels, Gospel of Luke |
07/18/2022 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continued Snapshots of Jesus from the Gospel of Luke. This week he continued with Part II of how Jesus interacted with women. Listen to Mark expound on the passages in Luke that shows how Jesus valued women and all outsiders. God is about making life better. God is setting about reversing the world.
1. Look at Womenâs passages
Luke 10:38-42 Mary and Martha.
Luke 11:27-28 a woman blesses Jesus because of what He says.
Luke 13:10-16 Jesus heals the woman with a disabling spirit on the Sabbath.
Luke 23:31 Jesusâ Â tells the mourning women to weep for themselves.
2. The challenge for today
A word on worryâŚ.
Matthew 11:28-30
John 14:27
1 Peter 5:7
Philippians 4:6-7
Matthew 5:34
Jeremiah 17:7-8
3. Points for Home
Donât blame Jesus
Replace worry with trust
Walk in the uprightness of Jesus.
Join us Sundays at 9:30am CST! Links below:
YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCfocCxLc8BFCta-NO4JkTcA?view_as=subscriber
CFBC Website: championforest.org/worship/watch/biblit.php
Facebook: facebook.com/Biblical-Literacy-195629981890/
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Chapter 24 - Snapshots of Jesus as seen through the Gospels, Gospel of Luke |
07/24/2022 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continued the series Snapshots of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke. Mark teaches Godâs great concern for the outsiders by using parables to teach His principles.
1. What are parables? A narrative or story that is told to convey an underlying message. During the time of Jesus, parables were used as a teaching tool.
2. Parables only in Luke.
--The Good Samaritan Luke 10:25-37
--The Parable of the Rich Fool Luke 12:13-21
--The Rich Man and Lazarus Luke 16:19-31
3. Points for home.
--Look for Jesusâ vision
--Serving love in action
--Make this real in our lives today
Listen to Mark explain the value of each parable in todayâs lesson and how the context of the day and the context of the Bible help us understand Jesusâ meaning to his listeners then and today.
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Chapter 25 - Snapshots of Jesus as seen through the Gospels, Gospel of John |
07/31/2022 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continued his teachings on Snapshots of Jesus from the Gospel of John 4 that features the woman of Samaria.
After reviewing the story, Mark offered insights into the passage including:
Jesus didnât have to pass through Samaria; He chose to be on mission for God.
Jesus offered living water which is fresh.
Jesus revealed He was the Christ.
Listen to Mark teach the meaning of living/running water is a metaphor for the Holy Spirit and how we are to worship God in spirit and truth. Mark concluded the lesson by encouraging us to 1) Hear God, 2) Focus on God and 3) Be touched by God. |
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1480 |
Chapter 27- Snapshots of Jesus as seen through the Gospels, Gospel of Luke |
08/14/2022 |
Dr. David Capes |
Dr. David Capes guest taught a lesson in Snapshots of Jesus from the Gospel of Luke. Dr. Capes addressed the question of eschatology.
1. What is eschatology? Derived from two Greek words that mean final things. A branch of theology that deals with end times. It has individual and cosmic meanings.
2. A review of: Luke 11:20; Luke 12:13-21; Luke 19:11, and Luke 17:34-37
3. Conclusions drawn: this world is the realm of redemption; life is not about all the stuff, and the kingdom is already, but not yet.
Listen to Dr. Capes discuss eschatology with passages from Luke; what end times means for the Jew and the Christian, and the danger of allowing our possessions to possess us.
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Chapter 26 - Snapshots of Jesus as seen through the Gospels, Gospel of Luke |
08/07/2022 |
Pastor Jarrett Stepens |
Guest teacher Pastor Jarrett Stephens taught Snapshots of Jesus today from Luke 9 - The Transfiguration.
The Transfiguration: God is revealing the glory of His Son Jesus to us who is 100 Percent God and 100 percent man. Pastor Jarrett compares this mountain top experience to other mountain top experiences described in scripture.
1. The Transfiguration takes place following a time of prayer
2. Only Jesus
3. We donât see the glory of God without being changed
Listen to Pastor Jarrett show us through the Scripture who Jesus is, the priority of prayer, and a changed life through the Transfiguration.
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1481 |
Chapter 28- Snapshots of Jesus as seen through the Gospels, Gospel of Luke |
08/21/2022 |
Pastor David Fleming |
Dr. David Fleming was the guest lecturer continuing with the Snapshots of Jesus series. Dr. Flemingâs focus was the three âlostâ parables from the Gospel of Luke and how Jesusâ was making an overall single point from the three stories.
Dr. Fleming used three questions to teach from the parables:
1. What did the parable mean then to them?
2. How does the parable fit in the context?
3. What is the point of the parable?
Listen to Dr. Fleming conclude with points of application for today:
1. When youâre out, come in;
2. If you are in, join in, celebrate Good News
3. If you canât . . . Good News . . . see #1
Hanging around the Fatherâs house doesnât mean you have the Fatherâs heart.
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Chapter 29 - Snapshots of Jesus as seen through the Gospels; Final: |
08/28/2022 |
Pastor Brent Johnson |
Pastor Brent Johnson taught the final lesson of Snapshots of Jesus. He posed the question: How should we take action from what weâve learned from Snapshots of Jesus? Pastor Brent encouraged us to live the Christian life as Jesus modeled during his short time on earth. We are to hear the Word of God and do it by taking action. Pastor Brent shares through scripture how we each have a responsibility to inform our world with compassion and inspiration recognizing the importance God places on relationships.
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