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Chapter 1 - Philippians; an Introduction |
06/06/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark begins a new series on the book of Philippians with Chapter 1, an Introduction. For context, the Apostle Paul, who wrote many of the books in the New Testament, wrote the Book of Philippians as a letter to the Church in Philippi. In this first lesson Mark provides the background and history of the colony of Philippi. He then discusses the Greek word koinonia, which Paul uses often in the letter, and he also begins to show us how God is at work. Join us Sundays at 9:30am CST! Links below: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfocCxLc8BFCta-NO4JkTcA?view_as=subscriber CFBC Website: https://www.championforest.org/worship/watch/biblit.php Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Biblical-Literacy-195629981890/ |
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Chapter 2 - Philippians; Paul's Unique Mindset |
06/13/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continues his study in the book of Philippians with Chapter 2, Paul’s Unique Mindset. For context, the Apostle Paul, who wrote many of the books in the New Testament, wrote the Book of Philippians as a letter to the Church in Philippi. Today’s lesson reviews Phil 1:1, and three different attitudes Paul expresses within this first verse. Mark discusses Paul’s attitude toward God, to see how it aligns with ours, and what we can draw as inspiration. Mark also explains Paul’s attitude toward the church, as Paul is a God-inspired writer, and God has secured this scripture for the church and his saints. Last, is Paul’s relationship attitude, because as saints we are in Christ Jesus. |
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Chapter 3 - Philippians; Paul\'s Thank You Note |
06/20/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark taught from Philippians 1:1-3—Paul’s Thank You note. Paul had been sentenced to Roman imprisonment under house arrest, which meant the Philippian church was paying to keep him out of the horrible conditions of prison. Paul thanked God for using the Philippians to meet his needs, emphasizing the word always. Listen to Mark detail the contents of Paul’s joyful letter and how his example inspires us to always thank God for what He has given us. |
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Chapter 4 - Philippians; The Macros and Micros of the Gospel |
06/27/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continued with the study of Philippians by detailing Philippians 1:3-9 titled: The Macros and the Micros of the Gospel. Mark expanded on both the big and the small/individual picture of Paul’s writings with 3 focus areas: 1. Fellowship of the Gospel. Believers are partners in the Gospel or Good News to humans, and the roots of our foundation is in Christ. Mark compares the partnership to an aspen grove. 2. The fruition of the Gospel. Philippians 1:6, "He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion." God is working in all believers, and He will finish it. 3. Life in the gospel. The key is living in relationship with Christ Jesus and others. Listen to Mark detail the biblical teachings in Philippians that show we share the cross in our mindset, disposition, and attitude. We are commonly rooted in the Gospel through the cross of Christ Jesus. |
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Chapter 5 - Philippians; Things Happen...Rejoice! |
07/04/2021 |
David Fleming |
Pastor David Fleming was the guest teacher for today’s Biblical-Literacy class on Philippians 1:12-18. In Paul’s letter to the Philippians, dark things happened to him. But Paul rejoiced in it all because it glorified God. While we may ask the question “why,” Paul offered a road map as the answer. 1. Kingdom mindset. A faith perspective in how we think. Attitude determines altitude. Readers of his letter knew what had happened to Paul. Feared for him. God was in the process. Romans 8:28 is a promise from God. As children of God, all things are God filtered. Wait and see what God will do. 2. Eyes of faith. See the happenings through the lens of God. Paul was a prisoner of Christ which was the sole reason he was a prisoner in Rome. 3. Christ centered priorities. Paul shared that his friends know who he was, why he was in the prison situation - for God’s glory. Paul models what our response should be with dark happenings in our lives. As we relate to others, we should not devalue what we value the most—that Christ be glorified. |
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Chapter 6 - Philippians; What Was Paul Thinking??? |
07/11/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
What was Paul Thinking in Philippians 1:18(b)-19. What illuminated his mind? Throughout the lesson, Mark taught an understanding of Greek by applying the present, future and perfect verb “enses.
Three considerations for Paul’s confidence while he was imprisoned in Rome:
1. Paul’s confidence – Confidence in the future because of what he’s seen in the past through knowledge and experience with hope for the future. Psalm 42-43.
2. Paul’s source of confidence – Personal prayer and intercessory prayer. God honors prayer through the help of the Spirit of Jesus.
3. Paul’s language – Paul quotes a passage from Job 13:16 to show his heart. He knows life's circumstances will glorify God and be to his benefit.
Mark challenges us to re-up our commitment to pray specifically. Listen to Mark share Paul’s confidence of how we can apply the past, present, and future relationship with God to our lives. |
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Chapter 7 Phillipians; Paul Gets Personal! |
07/18/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continued with his in-depth study of Philippians. This week, Paul gets personal in explaining his perspective in Philippians 1:20-26. “For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Three concepts are evident in this verse.
1. To live or to die - The center of Paul’s life is Christ, who is his life’s purpose. Everything is Christ. Paul explains his reasoning further in Philippians 3:4-10.
2. The tough dilemma - Paul doesn’t earn Christ but gains Him. Paul is surrounded by stress; what is better for him and what is better for the Philippians.
3. The decision - Paul will remain and continue the work contending for the Gospel with the Philippians.
Mark explains a meaning of J.O.Y. that fits this passage: Jesus first, Others second, and Yourself last. |
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Chapter 8 - Philippians; Olympics, Horses, and Suffering!: |
07/25/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
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Chapter 9 - Philippians; One Sentence Ten Clauses: |
08/01/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
Biblical Literacy Class Chapter 9 - 08/01/2021 “ Philippians”
Mark continued the study of Philippians and the theme of Philippians 1: 27-29, Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ. In this weeks lesson, Philippians 2:1-4, Mark addresses Paul explaining what is required to live a life worthy of the gospel of Christ. Such traits are manifested in common sharing in spirit, being liked minded, having love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Mark cited 2 Corinthians 1:5, for just as we share abundantly in the suffering of Christ, so also we share in the Victory.
Continuing to Philippians 2:2, Mark addresses Christ’s joy being complete by being of the same mind, having love in full accord and being like minded.. Same love, translates to having same love for God and for each other. Be sure to watch the Abilene Music Montage which exemplifies all one, one sole. As the class ends Philippians 2: 3-4 drew focus on doing nothing out of selfish ambition but rather in humility value others above yourself. Don’t look to your own interest, but each of you to the interest of others.
Points to Ponder
Living in the ethics of the Cross Philippians 1:27, 2:1
The importance of Unity Philippians 2:2
The Importance of “Otherness” Philippians 2: 3-4 |
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Chapter 10 - Philippians; Christ - the Paradigm |
08/15/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
Chapter 10 – Philippians; Christ – the Paradigm
Ref: Philippians 2:5-11
This lesson begins with an understanding of “Christ- the Paradigm “, and how our individual
thought process influences our understanding of our relationship with Christ.
First of all, what is a paradigm and why is it important to understand.
Paradigm (A set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitute a way of viewing reality
for the community that shares them, especially in an intellectual discipline).
This lesson focuses on the way we as individuals think and interpret the writings in the Bible, similar to
the way the Philippians would have interpreted Paul’s letter in Philippians 2: 5-11.
Mark points out that there are basically two ways people think. Most people are Silo Thinkers or
specialist, if you will, and others are individuals whose knowledge spans substantive number of subjects,
known as a Polymath. Aristotle was a Polymath and was very influential across a broad range of
complex subject matter. The author of the letter to the Philippians, Paul, was also a Polymath.
Most thinkers about Jesus are Silo thinkers and come in different forms of thought:
A-Myth B- Good Man C- Created by The Church D- God as a Man
As an example: the C: silo thinker would believe that the Church Created the stories and teachings
about Jesus, but they were not reality, just stories.
While Paul was a Polymath, he also was an ardent foe of Christ and did not believe Christ was the
Messiah. This all changed when he had a face-to-face encounter with Christ. Paul’s life completely
changed. Mark makes it clear that specialization is required but that our view and faith in the teachings
of Jesus set forth in the Bible, should be manifested by living in the Gospel letting our manner of life be
worthy of the Gospel of Christ.
If not living based on the Gospel, dig into the gospel and learn how to live under the Cross of Christ.
Only let your manner of life be worthy of Christ.
Points to Ponder
- The saving gospel is tied to a well-lived life
- Follow Jesus, the model life
- Praise God
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Chapter 10 Cont\'d, Special Guest Interview with Hymn Historian ROBERT MORGAN |
08/22/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
8-22-21 Biblical Literacy
Dr. Robert J. Morgan, hymn historian, shard the teaching platform with Mark in an interview and discussion about the importance of hymns in private and corporate worship. The Apostle Paul instructed the early Christians to address each other in Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Dr. Morgan grew up as a lover of God and classic hymns. He believes hymns are a Bible lesson and filled with theology. He recommends using a hymnal during devotions and Bible study. Modern music is not to be discounted. Older Christians should take time to study modern music, and the younger generation to study hymns. Listen to the two expert teachers discuss hymns, hymn types, meaningful words, and the stories behind the lyricists. |
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Chapter 11, Philippians; Christ - A Study in Contrasts |
08/29/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
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Chapter 12, Philippians; Living By the Cross |
09/05/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
Living by the Cross
Mark continued his teaching on Philippians first with a contextual review of Chapter 1:27 thru Chapter 2:12-18.
Paul’s theme statement throughout these verses is: Let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ (Philippians 1:27).
Conduct your life like a citizen of the gospel.
Mark focused on three points in these verses:
1. Paul’s Affection - He loved the Philippians. Love is faith experienced in action.
2. A Difficult Passage - Mark shares context for "work out our salvation with fear and trembling". God empowers us to grow in our faith through actions that demonstrate our love for Christ and others.
3. Final Thoughts - Do all things without grumbling - Avoid the grumbling, fussing, and fighting.
Listen to Mark teach how Paul saw all of life through the prism of the Good News - the death burial and resurrection of Christ. |
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Chapter 13, Philippians; A Glimpse into Everyday Life |
09/12/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
In this week’s in-depth look into passages of Philippians, Paul’s writing gives a glimpse into everyday life. Mark explains that some people put life into 3 buckets: sin, spiritual, and normal. Paul doesn’t divide life into 3 buckets. Only two. We live either a sinful or spiritual life.
Mark expands on 3 focus areas in today’s lesson extracting insights into living a spiritual life according to Philippians 2:19-30.
1. Friendship - Paul challenges us to walk in Christ with hope, a confident expectation of a future event.
2. Identity - Our identity in Christ is a brother/sister, fellow worker, and fellow solider in sharing the Gospel of Christ Jesus.
3. Sensitivity - The knowledge of Christ changes everything about our eternal life.
Listen to Mark teach about the kindred spirit Paul had with Timothy and Epaphroditus, and how we can apply those characteristics to our lives. |
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Chapter 14, Philippians; Ironic Paul |
09/19/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
Ironic Paul
Philippians 3: 1-3
In order to understand and appreciate “Ironic Paul” one must first have a very good understanding of what Irony is and what Ironic actually means. In the chapter and verses which are the subject of this lesson, Paul uses irony to communicate his teachings.
What is the definition of irony?
Irony (Websters)
The use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning
Mark opens the lesson using the lyrics from a song by Alanis Morrisette’s Song “Ironic” to illustrate what is not ironic;
“An old man turned ninety-eight
He won the Lottery, and died the next day”
This is not ironic for one might expect a man of 98 to die. This simply means what it says.
“It’s a death row pardon two minutes too late”
Once again this is not ironic it’s tragedy.
Paul correctly uses irony in his writings which will be reflected in today’s lesson focusing
On three points:
- Some things are worth repeating
- Beware of the dogs!
- Paul gets ironic
Phil 3:1
Finally, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same thing to you is no trouble to
Me and is safe for you.
To clearly understand the context and use of words and their meaning, Mark goes through an overview of two bible translation, ESV and the NIV. He reflects on the variations in the wording differences between the two in these verses. While the variation doesn’t really change the meaning of the passage and the target audience would likely understand the context in which the phrasing is used, both translations would carry basically the same meaning.
Bible translators would likely agree that the best Bible translation is the one you will read.
A major rule of translation is that you can’t take one word used in one place in the Bible and assume that the meaning of that word is the same throughout the Bible.
Paul’s message:
Paul in several verses, Mathew 5:12, 2: Cor 13-11, Phil 2:18, Phil 4:4, referenced the need to Rejoice and comfort one another regardless of the circumstances. Peter Thomas O’ Brien summarized it this way:
“This was not an admonition to some kind of superficial cheerfulness that closes its eyes to the surrounding circumstances…
It recognizes God’s mighty working in and through those circumstances to fulfill his own gracious purposes in Christ.”
Pauls message to all, Life is not all Roses, there are great days and bad days, live through these circumstances and be joyful and trust in the Lord and REJOICE in the Lord
Points to Ponder – Rejoice in the Lord
Phil 3:2
Beware of the Dogs
Phil 3:2, Look out for the dogs, lookout for the evildoers and look for those mutilators of the flesh.
Dogs were scavengers detested by the Romans and gentiles were dogs to them.
Paul warned the followers to beware of dogs, evildoers and those who mutilate the flesh.
Irony of Paul
the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning
The Judaizers were trying to circumcise the Gentiles (dogs), but in the process the Jews were merely mutilating the flesh and becoming dogs themselves.
Phil 3:3
For it is we who are the circumcision, who worship by the spirit of God, who glory in Christ Jesus, and who put no confidence in the flesh.
Point to Ponder: Rejoice, Lookout, Glory in Christ Alone |
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Chapter 15, Philippians; Paul on Target |
09/26/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
09/26/2021, Paul on Target
Mark’s class today focused on Paul’s message to the Gentiles, as described in Philippians 3:1- 14.
Mark began by developing the necessity for Paul to identify and speak directly to his “target” audience, who were Gentiles hearing the call of the Judaizers.
The Judaizers, with great zeal wanted Gentiles to accept and practice Jewish Law and practice Key Jewish rituals, having them believe that this would bring them more in tune with the covenant of Abraham.
Todays lesson will address: The Challenge
The Goal
The process
The Challenge: Phil. 3:1-8a
Paul’s challenge was to convince the Gentiles that, after a life of persecution of them and a message of relying on the Law and Jewish rituals to the extreme, that he could let go of things of the flesh and focus on knowing Christ Jesus. This transformation began to unfold on the experience Paul had on the Damascus road.
The Goal: Phil. 3: 8b-11
After Paul’s conversion, all that he had “gained” he counted as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus. Paul indicated, that for Christ sake, he had suffered the loss of all things and he counts them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having righteousness on my own.
The Process: Phil. 3: 12
Paul admits that he has not already obtained his goal set forth in Phil 3: 8b-11 or that he is already perfect, but he emphatically emphasizes that he will press on in his pursuit to make Christ his own as Christ has done for him.
The question is then, WHO ARE YOU CHASING AFTER?
Points to Ponder: Paul had it all, and saw it as garbage
Where am I finding value?
Profits and Losses
I want to re-examine my priorities
I haven’t arrived yet … but I know what I am chasing
But I’m pressing on to the higher calling of my Lord |
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Chapter 16, Philippians; An Example to Follow |
10/03/2021 |
Pastor Jarrett Stephens |
Biblical Literacy 10-3-21
Pastor Jarrett Stephens taught from Philippians 3:17 - An Example to Follow. The Apostle Paul warns the Philippians out of love to keep their joy in Christ. Paul urges the Philippians to follow him because Paul imitates Jesus. Pastor Jarret shares key things to look for during bible study: Promises to Claim, Blessings to Enjoy, teachings to Learn, Commands to Obey, Sins to Forsake & Examples to Follow. In application, he closes with these questions to ponder: What is or greatest spiritual achievement? What kind of a spiritual example are we? Where is our focus and attention?
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Chapter 17, Philippians; Two Lessons One Sunday- Unity & Joy: |
10/10/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
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Chapter 18, Philippians; Catch the task and Catch the theology: |
10/17/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continued his teachings from the book of Philippians
by focusing on Chapter 4:4-6 titled Catch the Task . . .
Catch the Theology.
Paul was a “task theologian.” He wrote in a way that made
the lessons of God memorable. He used assonance
(related in sound) and chiasmus (a memorable structure).
Mark shared three points in today’s lesson:
1. Rejoice: Philippians 4:4. Joy is the distinctive mark of
the Christian
2. Be kind: Philippians 4:5. Paul tells us to let our
reasonableness (sound judgement, fairness) be known by
3. Don't be anxious: Philippians 4:6. Take our worries and
concerns to the Lord in faith and thanksgiving.
Listen to Mark show through Scripture that the Lord is
near, and we are to reflect Him as He transforms our lives.
Find joy in the journey. |
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Chapter 19, Philippians; Watch Me!: |
10/24/2021 |
Dr. David Capes |
Philippians, 4:7-8 Watch Me!:
Speaker: Dr. David Capes
Dr. Capes begins the lesson with a detailed discussion of what Paul tells us to think about in Philippians, 4:8. A summary of what Paul tells us to think about is, whatever is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise
Dr. Capes focuses on what kind of things do you think about, what occupies your mind, what do you think about most, in order to dissect what actually influences your actions and thoughts in todays life. He provides correlations to the Greek translation to emphasize the meaning of the verses in today’s words.
Continuing with his analysis of our language/communications, he breaks down the sequence of our phraseology through a discussion of Discourse Analysis.
In conclusion he made several final points which included;
Act, Think, Read, Write and live theologically
Don’t Believe Everything you Think
Referencing Philippians, 4:9 Paul set himself up as an example,” Watch Me”
Points to ponder
Fix your Mind on truth, goodness and beauty
Find someone to Watch and do what they do (realize someone is watching you)
Rejoice that God of Piece is with You |
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Chapter 20- Philippians; The key and the secret! |
10/31/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark taught today’s Biblical-Literacy class - The Key and the Secret - from Philippians 4:10-13
Faith demands more than tunnel vision.
1. Practice what you preach. Rejoice in the Lord always.
2. The blessing of relationship.
Paul shows a 3-way bond: Christ, Paul, and the Philippians.
Paul encourages us to be a giver and a good recipient.
3. The secret to joyful living.
The secret of having plenty and hunger is joy in the Lord.
Listen to Mark explain how Paul can say: I can do all things through Him who strengthens me, and in that I’m content.
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Special Guest, Conversation with Carolyn Lanier; Mark Lanier, 11-07-21 |
11/07/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
Sunday’s Biblical Literacy Class was a breakfast celebration with lots of fun and food. Mark interviewed his mother who thrilled us with her delightful answers. Listen to Mrs. Lanier’s wisdom and especially her sweet potato story. |
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Chapter 21, Philippians; Bringing it to a close, 11/14/21 |
11/14/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark brought the study of Philippians to a close with a focus on Philippians
He shared three points from Paul:
1. Finding a Deeper Fellowship: We learn that by doing good for others and
sharing in their suffering and trouble, we will be stronger Christians.
2. An Uncomfortable Truth. Paul was familiar with the Greco-Roman culture
and their sign of friendship in giving and receiving gifts. He encouraged
giving to others with a right heart motive. God is glorified and richly blesses.
3. The Larger World. We should remove our blinders and greet all the
saints in Christ Jesus knowing God is at work doing great things all over
the world.
Listen to Mark provide Scriptural insight that demonstrates Paul’s love and
encouragement for the Philippians and all believers. |
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Special Guest-Three Lost and Found Parables; Mark Lanier with Dr. Peter Williams, 11/21/21 |
11/21/2021 |
Mark Lanier & Dr. Peter Williams |
Dr. Peter Williams joined Mark this morning to dig deep and reveal numerous levels of meaning from the three lost and found parables found in Luke 15:
The lost sheep
The lost coin
The lost or prodigal son
The main focus was the prodigal son relating several examples of similar real events in Genesis.
Jesus spoke to a mixed audience in easy to understand language. Listen to Mark and Peter discuss how Jesus used the power of story to reveal and hide, to bypass our natural defenses, and show truth in a non-threatening environment. |
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Biblical Literacy Class, 11-28-21, “Advent Lesson 1” |
11/28/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
Today was the first Sunday in Advent, and Mark taught the first of four lessons before Christmas. Mark first explained the histories of marking time around the world and how it affected the church regarding holy day observances. He then transitioned to 3 focus areas for Advent that infuse joy and faith:
- Arrival in Bethlehem: God has plans.
- Arrival of Christ in our life.
- The arrival of Jesus again.
God has perfect timing, and believers are to rely only on God as we 1) live with purpose, 2) serve and pray, and 3) demonstrate faith over fear.
Listen to Mark explore the beginning of the Advent season and God’s purpose for us since the beginning of time. |
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