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How to Study the Bible [Current Series] |
English |
Mark began a series on How to Study the Bible. He shared why we would study the Holy Scriptures.
The Bible states we should study the Bible to know Scripture and the power of God. Mark then spent
time in these areas:
1. What are we doing when we study the Bible? God entrusted His Words through people: Scripture
is inspired by God. There are 2 types of critical studies described as: Lower criticism which is
foundational. Then Higher criticism follows. Mark cautions us not to rely on only one Scripture
translation, commentary versions, the internet, or linguistic substitutions.
2. How do we study the Bible? This will be covered next week.
3. Point for home - Explore the riches of Godâs Word.
Listen to Mark explain that the prophets or speakers of God inspired by the Holy Spirit wrote the
scrolls that make up books of the Old Testament. The New Testament took form again from Holy
Spirit inspired men and later confirmed thru Church councils again guided by the Holy Spirit. |
2 |
65 |
Lesser Known Women of the Bible |
English |
3 |
60 |
Revelation |
English |
4 |
59 |
âGenesisâ |
English |
5 |
55 |
Better Bible Study |
English |
6 |
49 |
Filing through the Old Testament Minor Prophets |
English |
7 |
44 |
Snapshots of Jesus, Gospel of Mark |
English |
8 |
10 |
Special Events |
English |
9 |
42 |
Advent 2021 |
English |
10 |
39 |
Philippians, a Letter of Joy |
English |
A verse by verse study of Philippians, with new insights and cultural context. |
11 |
38 |
A Deep Dive into Galatians |
English |
A deep dive study into the epistle to the Galatians. |
12 |
37 |
A Trial Lawyer's Brief on Biblical Law: A Reflection of Godâs Character |
English |
Why is it important to understand the "Law" in the Bible?
- Biblical Law is worthy of study as a reflection of God. As one learns more of the Law, one can learn more of God.
- One can better parse the difficulties of why some Biblical Laws seem incredibly important (e.g., âThou shalt not killâ) while others decry common sense (âYou shall not wear a cloth made of two kinds of materialâ).
- Why have people historically erred by either imposing a rigid âlegalismâ (a view that certain laws must be adhered to in order to walk in Godâs grace) or a free âantinomianismâ (a view that one can live with no regard to any law).
From a Christian perspective, this bears tremendously on issues that seem to place the Christian teachings in conflict with certain teachings found in the Old Testament. For example:
- One also has a basis to understand why Biblical Law seems to change over the course of the Bible. (Is âDo not eat porkâ in Deuteronomy 14:8 altered when, in Acts 10, God seems to instruct Peter that unclean food is fine to eat?)
- This study properly addresses the effect that Jesus and the advent of post-resurrection life has upon following the law. In other words, does Paul teach that the believer is not bound by the law, and if so, why not?
- Similarly, why did the disciples of Jesus not always follow the law, even though Jesus said he didnât come to destroy the law?
All of these considerations are worthy of study. A good study of Biblical Law should not only shed light on those questions, but it should also result in many positive side effects. As the Psalmist noted in the very first Psalm, the person who delights in Godâs Law and meditates on it night and day will be,
"like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. Â In all that he does, he prospers (Ps. 1:3).
The goal of this work is to provide the reader the blessings of better knowing God, as well as having a fuller grasp on having a successful life.
Soli Deo Gratia
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35 |
Biblical Study While Living with Corona |
English |
With a worldwide pandemic with COVID-19, the world slowed down as people practiced social distancing. This meant that the churches, a body of believers, had to find worship through different methods. At a time when the internet is crucial to life, worship went on line. This is Biblical Literacy's response as Mark Lanier teaches scriptural truths in light of fear and uncertainty.
Youtube playlist with all of the video lesson as well as Mark's video thoughts of the day devotionals  can be found at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRJZ8-ohk26s1PlSwohT9OfF2D9xfs3QT
PHIL KEAGGY and Mark Lanier parody, Germs on the Run!
#CORONAVIRUS #COVID-19 #worship #biblicalliteracy |
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34 |
Passages Worth the Dig |
English |
Mark takes the new year of 2020 with this new series "Passages Worth the Dig". Â He will take various scriptures worth digging through in hopes that they will offer new insights and life changing principles. Â Come along and see where the Holy Spirit leads!! |
15 |
33 |
Reading the Old Testament Through the Gospel of John |
English |
More than perhaps any other Gospel, the Gospel of John takes many roads found through the history and instructions of the Old Testament, converging them in the life of Jesus Christ.
John is a marvelous book for reading through and getting to know Jesus. But it is also a book worthy of a deep dive, seeking the nuggets that are often overlooked. Diligent study, an intimacy with the Old Testament, an understanding of 1stcentury Judaism, and awareness of the issues of the early church, are all tools that can bring greater clarity, light, and appreciation for the Gospel of John. That is the goal of this study. |
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29 |
Is God Guilt of Fraud (Formerly The Greatness of God: Examining God's CV) |
English |
As the series has progressed the concept that God is good and great must be reconciled with his commands to put entire cities to death. The question is then more aptly stated, "Is God Guilty of Fraud?"
These lessons and videos are part of a series: Is God Guilty of Fraud (formerly, The Greatness of God)Â â Mark Lanier, A trial lawyer by trade, examines the truth of Godâs greatness by examining His Curriculum Vitae (CV). In consecutive lessons, Mark uses Godâs CV to understand who He is, what his greatness has to do with us, why God has done horrible things and allows evil, what is the truth about Godâs greatness, does Godâs CV indicate that he keeps his promises and does Godâs CV include references that back up the claim to His greatness?
In consecutive lessons, he uses Godâs CV to understand
- who He is
- what his greatness has to do with us
- why God has done horrible things and allows evil
- what is the truth about Godâs greatness
- whether Godâs CV indicate that he keeps his promises
- does Godâs CV include references that back up the claim to His greatness
For the YouTube Playlist of this series, go here.
For the podcast, go here. |
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32 |
The Long and Winding Road - The Old Testament Leads to Jesus |
English |
Almost two thousand years ago, in the Mediterranean world around modern Egypt, a sermon was written. The sermon has made it into the Christian Bible in a âbookâ called âHebrews.â The sermon starts with a provocative statement.
Over and over, in different ways, long ago, God spoke to the fathers through the prophets. But in these latter days, he has spoken to us through his Son (Heb. 1:1).
One God, one message, but different methods. Seeing that Godâs message to humanity in the âlatter daysâ of the writer was given in Jesus, allows us to go back into the days âlong agoâ to find that same message.
That is the point of this series. Mark walks through many examples of God speaking the message found in Jesus through prophets that walked the earth in the millennia before Jesus. The journey will feature a myriad of ways God spoke his message. Sometimes, the wording was direct. Often it was in images and types. In the many different ways, we have the blessing of hindsight, illuminating the message by knowing its ultimate form in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. |
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Additional Resources |
English |
Spanish and some abbreviated OT Survey lessons can be found here. |
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Interviews |
English |
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28 |
Devotionals from the Life of Christ |
English |
Mark Lanier teaches devotionals using Jesus' words as reported in scripture. These devotionals are relevant for our worries, needs, and joys today, exploring events reported in Scripture, such as how Jesus handled interruptions, the woman at the well, and prayer.
For a closed caption youtube playlist of the entire series, go here.
Want the podcast? Go here. |
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31 |
Devotionals from the Torah |
English |
Mark's lessons on Devotionals from the Torah |
22 |
26 |
Colossians |
English |
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23 |
Paul, a Legal Case Study |
English |
Mark began a new series about the Apostle Paul as if he were asked to represent Paul in a court of law. As a lawyer, Mark approaches the subject of Paul based on his own legal experience. |
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Por qué No Soy... |
Espanol |
En este estudio, estaremos revisando mĂșltiples religiones y cosmovisiones. BasĂĄndonos en el anĂĄlisis de Mark Lanier, uno de los abogados mĂĄs exitosos en los Estados Unidos,  a manera de una corte de la ley, veremos las razones por las que âNo soyâŠâ (AgnĂłstico, Ateo, MusulmĂĄn, HindĂș, MormĂłn, EtcâŠ) |
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20 |
Why I'm Not... |
English |
28 |
19 |
Life Group Greek |
English |
29 |
18 |
Church History |
English |
30 |
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La Biblia en Contexto |
Espanol |
Click ESTUDIO: La Biblia En Contexto " |
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16 |
The Context Bible |
English |
32 |
15 |
Estudio del Nuevo Testamento |
Espanol |
33 |
14 |
New Testament Survey |
English |
34 |
13 |
Your God Is Still Too Small |
English |
35 |
12 |
Sondeo del Antiguo Testamento |
Espanol |
Click ESTUDIO: Mås Profundo. Antiguo Testamento" |
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21 |
Old Testament Survey Abridged |
English |
The available versions of the Old Testament Survey Abridged documents correspond to the original lesson material of the Old Testament Survey. The abridged  versions give an outline of the class agenda and emphasize the biblical application of the lesson to daily life. |
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Old Testament Survey |
English |
38 |
9 |
New Testament Biblical Literacy |
English |
39 |
8 |
Old Testament Biblical Literacy |
English |
40 |
7 |
Introduccion A La Historia De La Iglesia |
Espanol |
Click ESTUDIO: Historia de la Iglesia" |
41 |
6 |
Church History Literacy |
English |
42 |
5 |
Pablo: Su TeologĂa |
Espanol |
43 |
4 |
Paul: His Theology |
English |
44 |
3 |
Pablo: Su Vida Y Enseñanzas |
Espanol |
45 |
2 |
Paul: His Life And Teachings |
English |
46 |
1 |
The Great Commission |
English |
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