1319 |
OTJ Lesson 1 Overview |
07/28/2019 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark began a new series on the Gospel of John with an overview. John wrote the Gospel because he wanted no one to have a doubt about Jesus’ identity. In Genesis, the Messiah is prophesied: from the off-spring of woman, masculine,and from the seed of Abraham, an Israelite. The prophecies continue throughout the Old Testament revealing the Messiah is coming, and He will have the words of God in His mouth. The question is who is the promised Messiah? John answers this in his Gospel.Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing in Him, we may have life. (John 20:31) Mark further explains how all scriptural roads lead to Jesus. Of the four gospels, the first three are synoptic. The Gospel of John is different. Listen to Mark teach the history of John’s Gospel and insight into the writings |
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OTJ Lesson 2 John the Baptist and Jesus |
08/11/2019 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continues his series on reading the Old Testament thru The Gospel of John. We learn how History is God's Tapestry, and He weaves it forward to show His character. Mark dissects John’s original Greek language to help our understanding of the message of John the Baptist. John the Baptist and Moses were both sent with a purpose. Mark shares how each life is like a thread with choice and purpose. “...we are active in God’s hands as he weaves through time to create the historythat will culminate in the coming of his kingdom at the right time and in the right manner." |
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1322 |
OTJ Lesson 3 You Jesus Incarnate |
08/18/2019 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continued his series: Reading the Old Testament Through the Gospel of John. His teachings emphasis how John's writings show Old Testament roads lead to Jesus. The focus this week is John 1:9-14 of John’s prologue -The Incarnation of the Word. John communicates 1) Jesus as the true “light,” 2) Jesus the rejected “light,” and 3) Jesus as the Tabernacle. Listen to Mark point out the Old Testament Scripture passages that reflect John’s teachings about Jesus. |
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1323 |
OTJ Lesson 4 The Word |
08/25/2019 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continues the series: Reading the Old Testament Through the Gospel of John. This week, he concludes the prologue of John 1:1-18 with an emphasis on verses 15-18. John, the last living eye-witness to Jesus, writes in the present tense because Jesus is real to him. Jesus as light of the world outshines everyone else; He is the holy one of Israel. John's Gospel was written in Ephesus around the mid-60s using language taken from Paul in Ephesians 1 and 2. We learn that the greatness of the Word is based onwho the Word is—God. The greatness of God isn't only depicted thru His power and might; but also His love. Jesus is the expression of God’s love in a true love story. Listen to Mark share that all we need to see and emulate about God is found in Jesus. |
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1325 |
OTJ Lesson 5 Finding the OT |
09/08/2019 |
Mark Lanier |
Continuing his series: Finding the Old Testament in the Gospel of John, Mark takes us further into the first chapter, beyond the prologue (John 1:1-14), to the closing of John 20: 30-31. It states that the Gospel of John was written so that we may believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and answers the question "Who is Jesus?". John writes to provide confirmation or proof of the answer. Listen as Mark presents the testimonies of three people, John the Baptist, Andrew, and Nathaniel, to answer this question as he closes John 1. |
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1326 |
OTJ Lesson 6 A Wedding & the Tabernacle |
09/15/2019 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continues the series: Finding the Old Testament in the Gospel of John. He moves into Chapter 2, where John is teaching a commentary from the Torah, laying out the themes: 1) Jesus the "greater" than Moses; 2) Jesus: where God meets with us; 3) Jesus: the source of life. Listen as Mark discusses the themes as they appear in The Wedding at Cana (Jn 2:1-11), and Jesus cleanses the Temple (Jn 2: 13-22).
#love #Christianity #hope #mentalfitness #truth #spirituality #biblicalliteracy #bible #biblestudy #marklanier #Jesus For all videos in this series go to https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRJZ8-ohk26siNlnNJiFmVpUCdlnITWlb
For all of the written lessons and powerpoint, go to https://biblical-literacy.org/lessons/reading-the-old-testament-through-the-gospel-of-john/ |
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1327 |
OTJ Lesson 7 Nicodemus |
09/22/2019 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continues with Lesson 7 in the series: Finding the Old Testament in the Gospel of John, In chapter 3, John writes of Jesus and others on a series of journeys. Mark looks at three distinct journeys: the journey of night to light, an empowering journey, an expectant journey. Mark begins with the story of Nicodemus.
#love #Christianity #hope #mentalfitness #truth #spirituality #biblicalliteracy #bible #biblestudy #marklanier #Jesus For all videos in this series go to https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRJZ8-ohk26siNlnNJiFmVpUCdlnITWlb
For all of the written lessons and powerpoint, go to https://biblical-literacy.org/lessons/reading-the-old-testament-through-the-gospel-of-john/ |
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1331 |
OTJ Lesson 8 Woman at the Well |
10/13/2019 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continued his series of Reading the Old Testament Through John by focusing on John 4: The Woman at the Well. This passage shows how Jesus' life experiences relate to us. Jesus was also man, thirsty and weary from the walking. The Samaritan woman at the well wasn't supposed to be drawing water in the heat of the day. Jews and Samaritans disliked each other, and yet Jesus engaged in conversation with her. He offered her Living water, which was freshwater, new springs of life that flow eternally and leads us to worship God in spirit and truth. Many from the village believed. Listen to Mark parallel Nicodemus's visit to Jesus and His journey with talking to the Samaritan woman. Do we cling to dead rituals instead of embracing Jesus? |
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1332 |
OTJ Lesson 9 Untangling Scripture |
10/20/2019 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continued with his series: Finding the Old Testament in the Gospel of John with a focus on John 4:43-54. Do you ever struggle to untangle a Bible passage? An example is found in verses 43-45. Doesn't make sense? Confusing? Watch as Mark reviews this passage for context, sharing the experiences Jesus had in Jerusalem and Samaria, and how that influenced John’s writing. Various techniques Mark uses to dig deeper can help us untangle other Scripture passages that at first read may appear confusing. |
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1333 |
OTJ Lesson 10 Jesus, God and the Law |
11/10/2019 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continued The Gospel of John series with a focus on getting into the mind of John as the author of John 5:2-16 -the healing of a crippled man on the sabbath. John is consistent throughout his writings to use spiritual feasts of the Jews to highlight specific details in Jesus’ life. This passage does not name which feast. Mark shows that nothing in the feasts, Bethesda, the pool, the Torah, or the five columns could ever bring healing and salvation. John used his writings to show us clearly who Jesus is, the only way to life everlasting. |
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1336 |
OTJ Lesson 11 Jesus is the Messiah |
11/17/2019 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continues the series: Reading the Old Testament Through the Gospel of John. This week’s lesson shares insights into John 6. In this passage, John wantsreaders to think about the Passover while he relays how Jesus fed the crowd from five barley loaves and 2 fishes. From the leftovers, He filled twelve baskets.John wants us to understand that Jesus is Moses on steroids. Jesus is greater than Moses. Jesussays don't work for manna but the bread of life. Listen to Mark talk about the one thing we must do to obtain eternal life: trust Jesus, the true bread from heaven. The bread of God is He who came down from heaven and gave His life for the world. Jesus is the bread of life. |
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1337 |
OTJ Lesson 12 Feast of Booths |
11/24/2019 |
Mark Lanier |
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OTJ Lesson 13 The Adulteress |
12/01/2019 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continues his series: Finding the Old Testament in the Gospel of John. This week Mark taught on the passage of John 7:53 through 8:11. Not every version of the Bible has this story or this placement where Jesus interacts with the woman caught in adultery. The Scribes and Pharisees wanted Jesus to condemn her. Should we question if John authored this passage, we need to remember original manuscripts were hand-written and copied, so differences could occur. Discover the analogy of God’s finger writing the ten commandments for Moses and Jesus writing with His finger in the sand to the woman's accusers. Listen to Mark teach about ancient documents and the oldest known copies of secular manuscripts as compared to those of the Bible. |
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