
Series: Lesser Known Women of the Bible

ID Title Presentation Date Speaker Handouts Slides Audio Video Full Lesson Synopsis Sort Order
Title Presentation Date Speaker Handouts Slides Audio Video Full Lesson Synopsis
1599 Session 2 - Lesser Known Women of the Bible 09/08/2024 Dr. David Fleming Dr. David Fleming taught the 2nd class in Lesser Known Women of the Bible with a focus on Joanna from the Gospel of Luke. She was the wife of Chuza, Herod’s household manager. David’s discussion was divided into: Context: Joanna’s religious and social context as a wealthy woman. Jesus' respect and affirmation of Joanna and women. Content: Joanna had a personal encounter with Jesus. She became a follower, disciple, and financially supported Jesus. She was there for Him at His crucifixion. Contributions: Joanna was among those who were first to see Jesus at His resurrection. Points for Home What is, & am I, a disciple of Jesus? Am I living/working with and for Jesus? There’s no such thing as lesser known to God. Listen to dr. Fleming teach about Joanna, her unlikely conversion, and what it means to follow Jesus today. You cannot stay where you are and follow Jesus. Your name is known to God. 1
1598 Session 1 - Lesser Known Women of the Bible 09/01/2024 Dr. David Fleming Dr. David Fleming taught the first lesson in the "Lessor Known Women of the Bible" series. The focus today was on Achash, Caleb’s daughter and subsequent wife of Othniel, from Judges 1. Our roadmap: Context—Caleb ensured the right man for his daughter, a man to provide for her, and to strengthen their family. Conduct—Achash respectfully trusted her father, not passive, encouraged her husband, and made a bold request from her father. Contribution—Achash's family got what they needed to thrive in the land. Points for home: A Lesson on trust and obedience A lesson on faith and obedience that leads to action. A lesson on who God uses. Listen to Dr. Fleming teach the value of trusting God and believing in His provision. God is good. God never fails. Choose God and live. Sometimes God will choose you for a very important job. 2