
Series: Is God Guilt of Fraud (Formerly The Greatness of God: Examining God's CV)

As the series has progressed the concept that God is good and great must be reconciled with his commands to put entire cities to death. The question is then more aptly stated, "Is God Guilty of Fraud?" These lessons and videos are part of a series: Is God Guilty of Fraud (formerly, The Greatness of God) – Mark Lanier, A trial lawyer by trade, examines the truth of God’s greatness by examining His Curriculum Vitae (CV). In consecutive lessons, Mark uses God’s CV to understand who He is, what his greatness has to do with us, why God has done horrible things and allows evil, what is the truth about God’s greatness, does God’s CV indicate that he keeps his promises and does God’s CV include references that back up the claim to His greatness? In consecutive lessons, he uses God’s CV to understand
  • who He is
  • what his greatness has to do with us
  • why God has done horrible things and allows evil
  • what is the truth about God’s greatness
  • whether God’s CV indicate that he keeps his promises
  • does God’s CV include references that back up the claim to His greatness
For the YouTube Playlist of this series, go here. For the podcast, go here.

ID Title Presentation Date Speaker Handouts Slides Audio Video Full Lesson Synopsis Sort Order
Title Presentation Date Speaker Handouts Slides Audio Video Full Lesson Synopsis
1276 GOG 003 - Who is God? Part B 01/20/2019 Mark Lanier Mark continued with lesson 3 in The Greatness of God - Examine God's CV. He continues to discuss the question "Who is God?" and the traits we will find on God's CV. We know God is all-loving, but he is also a God who loves and hates, and we need to understand how these intersect. In Luke 6:27-36, God hopes we will enact love, and love with our enemies. Listen as Mark continues more of God's traits in that he is holy, true and moral, and he begins to correlate to sin. 18
1260 GOG 002 - Who is God? Part A 01/13/2019 Mark Lanier Mark continued with lesson 2 in The Greatness of God—Examine God’s CV.  Who is God? The answer is in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Part of God’s CV is His love. The Greek uses two types of love to show God’s persona as recorded in the New Testament: Phileo, someone or something we have affection for. Our God is all-loving. The second type of love is Agape, a love that is interested in our welfare of a decision made to care. Our God is all-caring. By exploring 1 Corinthians 13, we can better understand God’s love for us. Listen to Mark detail God’s love and describe other Greek definitions for the word.   18
1261 GOG 004 - What Does God Have to Do With Us? Part A 01/27/2019 Mark Lanier 17
1257 GOG 001 - Introduction 01/07/2019 Mark Lanier Lesson Title: Chapter 1, Introducing God’s CV Join us as Mark Lanier introduces his new series, The Greatness of God:  Examining God's CV.  Mark kick's off this illuminating new series that carefully examines God's Curriculum vitae (CV) or resume, like a lawyer might examine a witness. C.V.’s are a modern cultural invention, but that examine one’s qualifications and interests.  One wishes the Bible had God’s C.V. but the Bible is not written that way.  As central to my effort to write a book about the Greatness of God, I decided that I would begin writing a C.V. of God.  The C.V. could never be exhaustive, for no man can fully comprehend God for who he is, much less all he has done.  The C.V. couldn’t contain all of God’s accomplishments, if for no other reason than that one C.V. can’t hold all of history, which has unfolded under the divine hand of God.  So my C.V. for God is one that sets out in brief form, some of the major accomplishments which are subject of this book. God’s CV would include that he is both a creator and a destroyer. How does this reconcile with His greatness? Added Bonus: tricks to compensate for time change 19
1277 GOG 005 - What Does God Have to Do With Us? Part B 02/03/2019 Mark Lanier

Mark continued in his series: The Greatness of God:

Examining God's CV. How do we merge God is love, God hates sin, and God is just? Sin incurs God’s wrath, a distortion of the truth of God’s nature, and He can’t live with sin. The answer is His substitionary atonement through Jesus Christ taking on our sin and paying the price. Listen to Mark explain the meaning of substitionary atonement

1278 GOG 006 - The Trinity Part A 02/10/2019 Mark Lanier 15
1279 GOG 007 - The Trinity Part B 03/03/2019 Mark Lanier Mark discusses the greatness of God by examining it like a taxonomy, which is the science of classifying things. By using this method we are looking at "what makes God, God?". Using this approach he discusses the questions, "who is He?", "what is He?", "why it makes a difference to us?", "how we know this?". As humans we tend to classify God by gender or as a super hero, and reduce Him to something we can understand, which makes Him nothing more than an idol. Join Mark as he uses this approach also drawing from scripture, to enhance our understanding of God and God's greatness, so we don't put limits on who He is. 14
1282 GOG 008 - Where is God? Part A 03/17/2019 Mark Lanier Mark continued his class on The Greatness of God: Examining Gods CV. Mark began the lesson by explaining the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11:1-9 with a look into the language and concepts of the ancient Mesopotamia area. Forever people have been looking for God. The tower was a ziggurat, a structure several stories high with a staircase to entice gods to come down to earth. The passage is written in the literary technique of that day - chiastic structure: using a ‘mirroring’ effect and placing the punch or point of the story in the middle. The morale of the passage is God is not our genie. Yet God does descend to earth. The existence of God is beyond man's understanding. God is above or superior to our understanding of the world. God is above or superior to nature God is supernatural God is transcendent God is immanent. Listen to Mark provide insights into the Tower of Babel accounting and what it means to us today. 13
1284 GOG 009 - Where is God? Part B 04/08/2019 Mark Lanier Mark continues with: Is God Guilty of Fraud? -  An investigation into the foundations of our truths. A misrepresentation can be inducement to believe false or fraudulent information. Christianity offers a belief system that makes sense of the world and mankind. Mark shows us God is not guilty of Fraud. God came to earth through Jesus. God indwells through His Spirit. Listen to Mark teach about the reality of Jesus throughout scripture beginning in Genesis through the New Testament. 12
1285 GOG 010 - Is God Guilty of Fraud? War and Peace Part A 04/14/2019 Mark Lanier   Mark continues with: Is God Guilty of Fraud? - An investigation into the foundations of our truths. This lesson is part 1 of a series discussing God and evil using example passages from the Old Testament and New Testament that appear to show a different God. Through the ages, people have asked how a loving God would allow so much misery? Is He a God of war or a God of peace? Scholars have debated a good God with the realization of evil. Three solutions are offered: altering scripture to fit our opinion of what we’d like Scripture to say; altering God to soften God to man’s anticipation of what God should be, which is heretic; or alter the way one reads scripture, contrasting different levels like literal, moral or allegorical. Listen to Mark expound on the ways scholars have viewed and interpreted God through the ages. 11
1290 GOG 011 - Is God Guilty of Fraud? War and Peace, Part B 04/28/2019 Mark Lanier As the series has progressed the concept that God is good and great must be reconciled with his commands to put entire cities to death. The question is then more aptly stated, "Is God Guilty of Fraud?" As the series title morphs into this question, listen to final installment of Chapter 6: Is God Guilty of Fraud? War and Peace. Watch Mark Lanier attempt to answer the profound question, how can God sanction killing and still be a good God? 10
1291 GOG 013 - Is God Guilty of Fraud? Science and Faith Part 1 05/12/2019 Mark Lanier

Mark continues with the series: Is God Guilty of Fraud. This week’s lesson focused Science and Faith. In this part 1 lesson, Mark discusses the controversy of faith and science in an overview of the lessons to come. Many people think faith and science are competitive. What does the Bible teach about science? In the argument of creation or evolution, Mark explains that God is the uncreated. Science is our tool to combat the fallen world, and the proof is in Scripture. In the topic of faith and medicine, he refers to Matthew 8 in which several of Jesus's healings are recorded. Mark reviews the primary objections to mixing faith and medicine. If we do not have a biblical view of science, it’s difficult to find faith in God. Mark concludes that science is faith's physical tool for fighting the physical pain and difficulties of the fallen world. Faith and science are teammates.

1292 GOG 012 - Is God Guilty of Fraud? War and Peace Part C 05/05/2019 Mark Lanier Join Mark for Lesson 12 in “The Greatness of God” series as he concludes the “God of war? or, God of Peace?” segment. Using the Socratic Method, Mark pursues truth through four questions he poses for our consideration on the topic of Evil. What is evil? Why is evil in the World? Where is God in the midst of evil? What is the future of evil? This video is part of a series: The Greatness of God - Mark Lanier, a trial lawyer by trade, examines the truth of God’s greatness by examining His Curriculum Vitae (CV). In consecutive lessons, Mark uses God’s CV to understand who He is, what His greatness has to do with us, why God has done horrible things and allows evil, what is the truth of God’s greatness, does God’s CV indicate that he keeps His promises and does God’s CV include references that back up the claim to His greatness? 9
1294 GOG 014 Is God Guilty of Fraud? Science and Faith Part 2 05/26/2019 Mark Lanier Join Mark as he continues Is God Guilty of Fraud? (earlier lessons in this series are titled “The Greatness of God”) series with Part 2 of “God of Faith or God of Science.” Mark looks at the interplay between the biblical view of science and faith, and how the view we have of the world affects how we live day-to-day. This video is part of a series: Is God Guilty of Fraud? - Mark Lanier, a trial lawyer by trade, examines the truth of God’s greatness by examining His Curriculum Vitae (CV). In consecutive lessons, Mark uses God’s CV to understand who He is, what His greatness has to do with us, why God has done horrible things and allows evil, what is the truth of God’s greatness, does God’s CV indicate that he keeps His promises and does God’s CV include references that back up the claim to His greatness? 7
1312 GOG 015 - Is God Guilty of Fraud? Science and Faith Part 3 06/02/2019 Mark Lanier Mark continued with his teaching: The Role of Science and Faith. Mark reviewed the three opinions presented last week: science and faith are in (1) opposition (2) some overlap (3) co-existence. The biblical view is that science is a part of our faith, and it's God's tool for humanity to use toward good ends. Science is faith's physical tool for fighting the physical pain and difficulties of the fallen world. Sometimes science wins, and sometimes it doesn't. Listen to Markexplain the five reasons why science and faith co-exist Join Mark as he continues Is God Guilty of Fraud? (earlier lessons in this series are titled “The Greatness of God”) series with Part 3 of “God of Faith or God of Science.” Mark looks at the interplay between the biblical view of science and faith, and how the view we have of the world affects how we live day-to-day. This video is part of a series: Is God Guilty of Fraud? - Mark Lanier, a trial lawyer by trade, examines the truth of God’s greatness by examining His Curriculum Vitae (CV). In consecutive lessons, Mark uses God’s CV to understand who He is, what His greatness has to do with us, why God has done horrible things and allows evil, what is the truth of God’s greatness, does God’s CV indicate that he keeps His promises and does God’s CV include references that back up the claim to His greatness? 6
1313 GOG 016 - Is God Guilty of Fraud? Science and Faith Part 4 06/09/2019 Mark Lanier Is God Guilty of Fraud: Part 16 -Science or Faith Part 5Mark opens this week’s lesson with the question: Does science conflict with faith? Faith is something that instructs us to use science to good ends, gives us a reason, purpose, and infuses us with morality. If Scripture and science seem to differ, keep digging. Embracing science increases our understanding of Scripture. On the question of creation or evolution, Mark lays out two major concerns for many people: 1) Do we believe in the integrity of God’s word? 2) Is there a need for God. Listen to Mark discuss the creation accounting in Genesis 1 through 2:3 as he addresses these additional questions: How literal do we take these verses? Fully literal or allegorical? Did God speak Hebrew when he spoke the world into existence? Did God make the world in 6, 24 hour literal days? Are there other ways to understand the creation story? Join Mark as he continues Is God Guilty of Fraud? (earlier lessons in this series are titled “The Greatness of God”) series with Part 4 of “God of Faith or God of Science.” Mark looks at the interplay between the biblical view of science and faith, and how the view we have of the world affects how we live day-to-day. This video is part of a series: Is God Guilty of Fraud? - Mark Lanier, a trial lawyer by trade, examines the truth of God’s greatness by examining His Curriculum Vitae (CV). In consecutive lessons, Mark uses God’s CV to understand who He is, what His greatness has to do with us, why God has done horrible things and allows evil, what is the truth of God’s greatness, does God’s CV indicate that he keeps His promises and does God’s CV include references that back up the claim to His greatness? 5
1314 GOG 017 - Is God Guilty of Fraud? Science and Faith Part 5 06/23/2019 Mark Lanier Is God guilty of Fraud? God of Faith or God of Science? Mark focused on Scripture and Issues regarding creation vs. evolution. There are 2 major concerns for most people. 1 the integrity of scripture 2. Whether there’s a need for God. Listen as Mark shares 3 questions to organize our thoughts: 1. What is the cosmology with reference to how the ancients viewed the universe's structure? 2. What is the significance of the Hebrews words and language? 3. What is the message God was trying to convey then and how does it apply now? God was concerned of how Israel understood God, humanity, and other important matters and used the people's concepts of the universe’s structure at that time. 4
1316 GOG 018 - Is God Guilty of Fraud? Science and Faith Part 6 07/07/2019 Mark Lanier Is God Guilty of Fraud? Mark began the lesson with a review and reminder there are issues within this world that need to be addressed according to a Christian worldview. Biblical faith and science are not in opposition. The Bible says the world makes sense (Genesis 1:1 - 3). God formed and filled His creation. Orderly and self-sustaining. Sensible and logical. God brings good out of evil, and that is our job too. We must read the Bible keeping in mind the cultural audience and context in which it was written. God’s concern was for the people to understand Him, not correct their views of cosmology. God used their cosmology for a heavenly message: there is one God who created the heavens and the earth. Listen to Mark read the story of creation from Mesopotamia comparing it to the Biblical account. Discover how this ancient accounting has no resemblance to the one true God. 3
1317 GOG 019 - Is God Guilty of Fraud? Science and Faith Part 7 07/14/2019 Mark Lanier Mark continues in his amazing series: Is God Guilty of Fraud? The topic for the past few Sundays has been: The Role of Science and Faith, and this week’s focus wraps up Creation or Evolution? The Bible is a revelation from God, beginning with Genesis 1:1. To interpret correctly, contextual reading is required with an understanding of the culture from the time it was written. Readers comprehend best by learning the historical connotation. Moses saw the world through his upbringing and education. God used ancient cosmology, but He gave an entirely different message. Listen to Mark expound on Egyptian culture, the Egyptian plagues and how the 10 commandments were a game changer against their culture. 2
1318 GOG 020 - Is God Guilty of Fraud? Science and Faith Part 8 07/21/2019 Mark Lanier Is God of guilty of Fraud? Mark completes his series in Therole of Science and Faith. This week the focus is Science and Ethics.Science is a God-given Gift to Understand His Creation. Mark discusses stem cell research, cloning humans, mood altering drugs, antidepressants, artificial intelligence, animal testing,euthanasia, gene transfer DNA, andin vitro fertilization. When are these items right in God’s eyes? Listen to Mark provide guidance: read Scripture, seek counsel, understand science, examine motives, and apply God’s principle 1