
Series: “Genesis”

ID Title Presentation Date Speaker Handouts Slides Audio Video Full Lesson Synopsis Sort Order
Title Presentation Date Speaker Handouts Slides Audio Video Full Lesson Synopsis
1546 Session 1: In the Beginning 09/17/2023 Mark Lanier Mark started a new class series on Genesis. This book is the prequel to the Torah or Pentateuch. It also sets up an understanding of the book of Moses, the Old Testament, and an introduction to the rest of the Bible. Mark divided the discussion of Genesis into three sections:
  1. Set Up - for cosmic approach, sin and its consequences, prophecy and blessing, and God and Revelation.
  2. Authorship - a variety of beliefs. Not sure who wrote Genesis, but either by or about Moses.
  3. Difficulties/opportunities - with layers of understanding Scripture for e modern reader. Genesis contains various types of literature, language and cultural, and style and structure.
Points for Home 1. God is speaking 2. Genesis is life changing 3. We are to let God transform who we are. Listen to Mark give us an introduction to a fresh approach to the book of Genesis. Homework: Read Genesis 1 through 2:3.
1547 Session 2: Mark interviews Oxford great Dr. Michael Loyd as the Genesis series continues 09/24/2023 Mark Lanier Mark interviewed the Revd. Dr. Michael Lloyd - Principal of Wycliffe Hall at Oxford University in England. He’s released a new book in the U.K. titled Image Bearers - Restoring our Identity and Living our Calling. It should release in the U.S. January 2024. The topic of the interview focused on Genesis 1:26-27. Michael Lloyd discussed seven points that show how we are made in the image of God 1. Role of dominion 2. Gives us value 3. Equality of people 4. Creativity 5. Relationally 6. Sexuality 7. Uniqueness After the fall, those points are distorted or skewed. “We are self-portraits of God but from a different angle.” Michael Lloyd. Listen to Mark and Dr. Lloyd discuss how we are made in the image of God, and although we’ve been damaged by sin, God will restore us into a perfect masterpiece, unique and diverse. 10
1548 Session 3, Genesis 1 10/01/2023 Mark Lanier Mark continued in the series on Genesis with a focus on addressing context in the creation story. 1. Translation and context: Written for us but to ancient Israel in ancient Hebrew vocabulary, culture, and understanding. The ancients used their common sense to explain the creation. 2. Cosmos and Moses: Moses grew up in Pharaoh’s house and was instructed in Egyptian and Mesopotamian culture.  Moses learned gods had various functions in creation. Babylon had other gods to explain creation. 3. Fresh look of Genesis 1 in context: The earth was without form and was void. God speaks and forms, then fills it. Without God forming and filling our lives, we are without form and living in empty chaos. God first formed the earth in the first 3 days then subsequently filled it the following 3 days. Homework. Read Genesis 1:1 thru 2:3 Points for home --God is speaking -God will form and fill your days -God will form and fill your days Don’t go In reverse Listen to Mark point out how the Bible needs to be taken in context from the original language for proper understanding.     9
1549 Session 4, Continuing in Genesis 1 and 2 10/08/2023 Mark Lanier 10-8-23 Biblical-Literacy Mark continued in the Genesis series with a focus on Part 2 of Creation and asking the question: Are faith and science at war? Mark organized his teaching to cover: 1. Basics -The fundamental principles of creation. The ancients had different teachings for the creation. God is above creation, not captive to nature. God made space and time. 2.Theology -Important theological teachings. God gives us science to combat the results of a fallen world. 3.Options -How do we read Genesis? Ethical issues demand faith dialogue with science. Points for home:-God is unlike others-You are special-God is interested to you 8
1550 Session 5, A close look at 10/15/2023 Mark Lanier October 15, 2023 Genesis Session 5 In this session Mark discusses Moses on Mount Sinai +1240 BC A close look at "Enuma Elish and "Atrahasis" The Lesson is broken down into: Bizarre Story: The implications and teaching of what and how Moses communicated his message and how we as human beings should interpret the scriptures related thereto. What Moses and the people heard was massively different and very revealing, Moses goes to the top of mount Sinai to deliver his message and communicated a message, how is unknown, which was written to Ancient Israel, in Ancient Hebrew, Ancient Vocabulary and Ancient Understanding. Mark discussed the impact on the neighboring cultures based on a current map of the area. Moses, through the power of God wrote the ten commands in stone and gave them to Israel. Text in Context: Mark discussed the surrounding neighbors of Israel such as Ugarit – gods are supersized humans The Ba ‘lu Myth Dawn and Dusk Akkadian- The Enuma Elish, also known as “The seven tablets of creation” Atrahasis- gods create lesser gods, lesser gods rebel Points for Home: Don’t miss the forest for the trees. The unique awesomeness of God in his revelation and creation, Unlike any human or god. Psalms 8, Deuteronomy 10:17 7
1552 Session 6, Genesis 2 and 3 !!! \ 10/29/2023 Mark Lanier 10-29-23 Biblical-Literacy Mark continued with the study of Genesis and focused on the Garden of Eden as written in Genesis 2. Three points highlighted his discussion:
  1. Story basics: Information and meaning. Genesis was written for us but to ancient Israel. Mark gave a review of the pagan culture of the world during Moses’ time. We don’t know the exact location of the Garden of Eden. Discover the sequential and synoptic views of creation. Realize that God doesn’t need us. We are the culmination of His handiwork.
  2. Deeper textured: Contextual reading identifying the vision, purpose and mission: we aren’t gods; we aren’t animals; we are the temple of God.
  3. New Testament Textures: Focuses on a personal relationship with God.
Points for home included: Human dignity, Equality, Work    
1553 Session 7, Genesis 3- 11/05/2023 Pastor David Fleming 11-5-23 Biblical-Literacy Pastor David Fleming taught the next lesson in the Genesis series, with an emphasis on Genesis 3: The Garden of Eden and the fall. Pastor Fleming cited three points in today’s lesson: 1. The ancient context: Moses responded to the Hebrew people’s questions according to the historical language, vocabulary, understanding, and culture. While Adam and Eve lived in paradise with God, they daily chose to follow Him in obedience. 2. The Genesis Story: Adam and Eve disobeyed and were separated from God because of their sin. God’s command wasn’t about the forbidden tree; it was about who to trust. 3. A look ahead: God gave Moses the plans for the tabernacle, the law, the sacrificial system, and the promise of a Messiah fulfilled in the New Testament Listen to Dr. Fleming explain the conversation the serpent had with Eve. God is good, and we can trust Him. He is always pursuing, promising, and providing for His people. 5
1555 Session 8, Noah and the Flood \ 11/19/2023 Mark Lanier Biblical Literacy Class 11/19/23 Noah and The Flood Genesis Biblical Literacy Class 11/19/23 Noah and The Flood Genesis Mark breaks down this lesson into three parts: 1. Genealogies/ Linage This is a look at the linage of Adam and Eve and what happens to the family. 2. Genealogies /Ages Then look at the genealogies because it is shocking that these people lived to be 900 and some odd years old. 3. Lessons Learned What can we take home from these interim chapters between the fall of Adam and Eve and the Flood of Noah The story Cain and Abel, sons of Adam and Eve, who were conceived after expulsion of Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden. Mark discusses in detail the story of Cain, Abel and Seth and the impact it has on their lives and the lesson it should teach us. Which is why Care must be taken to use life for Good not evil. 4
1556 Session-9, 11/26/2023 Mark Lanier
11-26-23 Biblical-Literacy Mark continued with the study of Genesis-The Prequel. This week focused on Noah Part 2 and was divided into 3 Sections: 1. Background stories to the Flood. Other ancient stories that contrast and provide information. 2. The flood storyline. Noah walked with God. Do we walk with God or hide from Him? 3. Lessons and implications. Points for home: Adam hid from God; Noah walked with God The Creator is also the judge Mercy triumphs over judgement Water is a biblical sign used throughout the Bible. Listen to Mark teach how the Genesis story of creation is unlike any other story. The world destroyed itself, so God chose to keep those who were obedient.
1557 Session 10, Noah & Sons after the flood and the Tower of Babel 12/03/2023 Mark Lanier

Mark continued his teachings in the Genesis series sharing the highs and lows after the flood. We learn:

1. Blessings: Noah and his sons were blessed 2. A sad and disturbing story:  Sin resulted in Canaan’s curse. 3. The Tower of Babel: man attempted to build a tower for God to visit, and God chose instead to confuse their language and divide the people. Points for home: 1. Honor your father and your mother 2. God is not a genie 3. Pride is not your friend Listen to Mark offer insight into the world after the flood and how it relates to our world today.
1560 Session 11, Matthew's use of Genesis 12/17/2023 Dr. David Capes Dr David Capes 12/17/2023 Dr. Capes wraps up the study on Genesis by taking us to Matthew 1:1, the Book that that takes us back to the genealogy of Jesus Christ DR Capes reviewed, in detail, how various versions of the Bible address the genealogy of Christ identified in Genesis, for example, KJV: The Book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham NLT: This is the record of the ancestors of Jesus, the Messiah, a descendant of David and Abraham Other version: RSV,NASV,NIV In a search for the most understandable translation of the Greek writings of the “beginning” in Genesis, Dr. Capes discussed, in detail, the meaning and understanding of the “Act of Generation”, the “Act of the Beginning.” The six days of creating and the day of rest in Genesis Chapter 5 were discussed in detail with focus on Man (male and female) being made in the Image of God and addressing the beginning of Humanity. A detailed discussion followed about the Book of Matthew Matthew 1:1- The Book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. Dr. Capes addressed the various interpretations of the original Greek translations with respect to how they convey the meaning and implications of terms like genealogy, man, women. Wrap up: At Christmas 1.Celebrate new creation. 2.Extended family a.Remember ancestors. b.Remember those that have passed on c.What the future holds 1