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Lesson 1 - Introduction |
01/17/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark begins a new series Galatians: A Letter of Grace, with Chapter 1, an Introduction. In this series Mark takes us through a deep dive study into the Book of Galatians. The Book of Galatians is one of the many letters Paul wrote in the New Testament, this one to the churches of Galatia. The Book of Galatians is considered an epistle, which is a type of letter. Mark explains how we study an epistle is different than the study of a Psalm, a Prophet, or the Gospels. Mark gives us background to understand who the Galatians were and the purpose of the letter. Today’s lesson also includes Galatian 1:1-5. |
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Lesson 2 - The Power and Sanctity of the Gospel |
01/24/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continues the series Galatians: A Letter of Grace with Chapter 2, The Power and the Sanctity of the Gospel. In this lesson Mark focuses on Galatians 1:1-11. Beginning with Galatians 1:1-5, the opening of the letter is written to the Church of Galatia and is meant to establish Paul as an apostle, who has the authority to deliver a message of grace and peace. He is granted authority from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ who gave himself for our sins. Mark then in Galatians 1:6-11, discusses how the tone of the letter is more serious than letters Paul wrote in Romans or 1 Corinthians because, within the Galatian church, some are turning to a different gospel and want to distort the good news of the gospel that Jesus Christ died for all our sins. |
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Lesson 3 - Galatians: the Authentic Gospel |
01/31/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continues the series Galatians: A Letter of Grace, with Chapter 3, the Authentic Gospel, Galatians 1:11-24. We know the first four books of the New Testament are the Gospels, but Paul wrote his letters before the Gospel books were written. This passage in Galatians is Paul’s autobiography, where Paul shares his history as a scholar and a persecutor of the early Christians. It was during this period he had an encounter with Jesus Christ, and he received the Good News that Christ died for our sins and was resurrected. Those who put their faith in him will be resurrected with him. This was not taught to Paul but received as a divine revelation. |
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Lesson 4 - Galatians: the Centric Gospel |
02/07/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continues the series Galatians: A Letter of Grace, with Chapter 4, the Centric Gospel (1:1-2:2). In this lecture, Mark varies the direction of the lesson after receiving an email from a class member who raised questions about some of the material Mark is teaching in this series. Mark reworked the lesson to be a Q & A session and address the questions he received. Paul’s Gospel writings are simple - Jesus Christ died for our sins, was buried, and resurrected (1 Corinthians 2:2). When we read his Gospel, Paul is saying that all things, past, present, and future flow from this truth. |
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Lesson 6 - Galatians: The Personal Gospel |
02/21/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continues the series Galatians: A Letter of Grace, with Chapter 6, A Personal Gospel. First, Mark reviews the opening of Galatians, Chapter 2 for context to remind us of the Gospel Paul was entrusted with - Jesus Christ died for our sins, was buried, and was resurrected; this is the same yesterday, today and forever. Since this lesson is a personal Gospel, Mark also invites us to think of the areas of our life (our list) where we might feel we do not measure up. He then discusses Galatians 2:15-20 where Paul states how the Gospel is personal, and Christ took all our sins (our list) with him to the cross. |
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Lesson 8 - Galatians: The Just Gospel |
03/07/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continues the series Galatians: A Letter of Grace with Chapter 8, The Just Gospel, Galatians 3: 10-20. Mark provides a brief contextual review because Paul is writing to the Church of Galatia to remind the Galatians of what the Gospel is; Jesus Christ died for our sins, was buried, and was resurrected. Paul states (Gal 3:10) everyone who exists out of works of the law from the Old Testament, lives under a curse (Dt. 27: 15-26). The Gospel redeems us, and applies justice to the curse, and we can live out our faith.
Join us Sundays at 9:30am CST! Links below:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfocCxLc8BFCta-NO4JkTcA?view_as=subscriber CFBC Website: https://www.championforest.org/worship/watch/biblit.php Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Biblical-Literacy-195629981890/ |
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Lesson 5 - Galatians: Focused Living |
02/14/2021 |
Jarrett Stephens |
Today’s lesson is presented by guest instructor, Pastor Jarrett Stephens, Lead Pastor of Champion Forest Baptist Church. It is a continuation of the Galatians series: A Letter of Grace, with Chapter 5, Focused Living. Pastor Stephens continues Mark’s lesson from last week in Galatians 2:2-14, where Paul defends himself and the Gospel because false teachers were creeping into the church, attempting to discredit him, and distort the message of the Gospel. Paul is focused on and faithful to the Gospel, that Jesus Christ died for our sins, was buried, and resurrected. Pastor Stephens further discusses how what Paul and the early teachers taught applied to both Gentiles and Jews. |
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Lesson 7 - Galatians: The Gospel or Foolishness? |
02/28/2021 |
David Fleming |
Dr. David Fleming, Director of the Lanier Foundation, continues Mark’s series Galatians: A Letter of Grace, with Chapter 7, The Gospel or Foolishness, Galatians 3:1-9. David provides a short contextual review as Paul is writing to the Church of Galatia to remind them of what the Gospel is; Jesus Christ died for our sins, was buried, and was resurrected. In this series we have talked about the power, priority, practice and especially how the Gospel is personal. In today’s lesson David looks at how the Galatians acted foolishly and let themselves be “bewitched” by outside influences who undermined and distorted the Gospel. They were not staying true to the salvation they had received by faith. |
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Lesson 9- Galatians: Three Pictures of the Law |
03/14/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continues the series Galatians: A Letter of Grace with Chapter 9, Three Pictures of the Law, Galatians 3:21–29. Mark provides a brief review because in Galatians, Paul is writing to the Church of Galatia. He reminds the Galatians of the Gospel meaning; Jesus Christ died for our sins, was buried, and was resurrected. The context for this lesson is to understand that all the laws and rules we follow or think you should follow, do not make us righteous before God. With that said, then, “what’s the whole point of the Law?!” Mark explains how Paul uses three word-pictures to answer this question and help us put the Law in the proper perspective. It was a guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith. Join us Sundays at 9:30am CST!
Links below: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfocCxLc8BFCta-NO4JkTcA?view_as=subscriber
CFBC Website: https://www.championforest.org/worship/watch/biblit.php Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Biblical-Literacy-195629981890/ |
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Lesson 10 - Galatians: Review |
03/21/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continues the series Galatians: A Letter of Grace with Chapter 10, Review. Up to this point, Mark has looked at Galatians, Chapter 1-3, by examining the nuances of the language and Greek translation used in the chapter. Paul wrote to the Church of Galatia with a strong reminder of the Gospel message. Jesus Christ died for our sins, was buried, and was resurrected - this overwrites the law. In this week’s lesson, Mark steps back to look at the chapters and provide a broader view of Paul’s writing in Galatians. Mark also discusses how the message of the Gospel is always applicable as we see trends, even today, to interpret the Gospel. Join us Sundays at 9:30am CST! Links below: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfocCxLc8BFCta-NO4JkTcA?view_as=subscriber CFBC Website: https://www.championforest.org/worship/watch/biblit.php Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Biblical-Literacy-195629981890/ |
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Lesson 11- Galatians: “Mr. Analogy” aka Paul |
03/28/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continues the series Galatians: A Letter of Grace, with Chapter 11, “Mr. Analogy” aka Paul. The Apostle Paul, who wrote the Book of Galatians to the Church of Galatia, was a master at using metaphors and analogies in his writing. Galatians is built around the question, “how are we ‘okay’ with God?”. Mark takes us through Galatians 4: 1-11 and shows us some of Paul’s analogies to help answer this question. Join us Sundays at 9:30am CST! Links below: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfocCxLc8BFCta-NO4JkTcA?view_as=subscriber CFBC Website: https://www.championforest.org/worship/watch/biblit.php Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Biblical-Literacy-195629981890/ |
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Lesson 12 - Galatians : Finishing Theology |
04/11/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continues the series Galatians: A Letter of Grace with Chapter 12, “Finishing Theology”, which covers Galatians 4:12-22 -5:1. The Apostle Paul wrote many of the books in the New Testament as letters. The Book of Galatians is one such letter written to the Church of Galatia. Paul typically divides his letters into two parts: the first part - theology, and the second part - practical. Mark’s lesson today discusses, “The Reality of the Letter” (4:12-20), “An Allegory” (4:21-27), and “The Summation” (4:28-5:1), to complete the ‘theology’ of Paul’s letter. In the next lesson, Mark moves into the ‘practical’ part of Galatians. Join us Sundays at 9:30am CST! Links below: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfocCxLc8BFCta-NO4JkTcA?view_as=subscriber CFBC Website: https://www.championforest.org/worship/watch/biblit.php Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Biblical-Literacy-195629981890/ |
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Lesson 13 - Galatians: Can one fall from Grace? |
04/18/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continues the series Galatians: A Letter of Grace with Chapter 13, “Can one fall from Grace?”. In today’s lesson Mark looks at the practical side of Paul’s letter, covering Galatians 5:2-6. The Apostle Paul, who wrote many of the books in the New Testament as letters, wrote the Book of Galatians as a letter to the Church of Galatia. In this passage, Paul reminds the Galatians to “pay attention”, and be careful about using circumcision to exemplify the idea of following the law to be right with God. With this mindset, we are severed from Christ, and he died for no reason. Their (our) relationship to God is not based upon our performance before God, but is based on our faith and God’s grace, not on following the law. |
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Lesson 14 - Galatians : Freedom! |
04/25/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
The Apostle Paul, who wrote many of the books in the New Testament as letters, wrote the Book of Galatians as a letter to the Church of Galatia. In this lesson, Mark emphasizes three points about “freedom” from Paul’s letter. The first point, ‘The Seduction of self-justification’ (Galatians 5:7 – 5:12), Paul notes that the Galatians were running well, but also noticed they have been “hindered from obeying the truth (v7)”. He sees the subtle influence of the enemy and the law, and how they are missing living under the joy of the Lord. Mark’s second point ‘Freedom to live is a freedom to love’ (Galatian 5:13 – 5:15), is because of the freedom we receive under the cross, and to love one another. We are called to freedom and are not to use it as an opportunity for the flesh (v13). And third, ‘The key community teaching’ (5:14 – 5:15), as we have practical love for our community, and for ourselves |
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Chapter 15 - Galatians; Spiritual Living: Mark Lanier, 05/09/21 |
05/09/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continues the series Galatians: A Letter of Grace, with Chapter 15, “Spiritual Living”. Today’s lesson covers Galatians 5:16-26. The Apostle Paul, who wrote many of the books in the New Testament as letters, wrote the Book of Galatians as a letter to the Church of Galatia. In Galatians, Paul addresses living with and without the Law because he is writing to both Jews and Gentiles in the Church of Galatia, and the Gentiles have not lived under the Law. The church needs practical guidance about what Laws to live by in their walk with God. In this passage, Mark looks at three important points. First, he discusses “Daily Life” (v5:16), looking at how do we live day by day? Second, is the “Spirit and Flesh Explained” (v5:17-19), where Paul explains the difference between walking after the spirit and walking after the flesh. Last, he begins discussing “The Evidence” (v5:20-26), of how we know if we are living the way we should live. Join us Sundays at 9:30am CST! Links below: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfocCxLc8BFCta-NO4JkTcA?view_as=subscriber CFBC Website: https://www.championforest.org/worship/watch/biblit.php Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Biblical-Literacy-195629981890/ |
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Chapter 15, Part II - Galatians; Spiritual Living |
06/14/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continues the series Galatians: A Letter of Grace, with Part II of Chapter 15, “Spiritual Living”. Today’s lesson covers Galatians 5:16–26. For context, the Apostle Paul, who wrote many of the books in the New Testament as letters, wrote the Book of Galatians as a letter to the Church of Galatia. Mark, picks up from last week, and covers two points: the “Spirit and Flesh Explained” (v5:17-19); and “The Evidence” (v5:20-26); and then asks [us] the question “What is Spiritual living?” Mark references other New Testament passages written by Paul in Romans (Romans (Rm) 5:5, Rm 8:4, Rm 8:14, Rm 8:6, and Rm 7:6), because the Holy Spirit was given to us from Christ Jesus, through God our Father. Paul understood there is a tension we live with between the Spirit and the Flesh. This was present then and is present now. By walking in the Spirit, we can put to death the flesh, and give root to the Fruit of the Spirit. We should aspire to walk by faith, and not by sight, and trust God in this journey. Join us Sundays at 9:30am CST! Links below: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfocCxLc8BFCta-NO4JkTcA?view_as=subscriber CFBC Website: https://www.championforest.org/worship/watch/biblit.php Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Biblical-Literacy-195629981890/ |
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Chapter 16 - Galatians; Family Talk |
05/23/2021 |
Mark Lanier |
Mark continues the series Galatians: A Letter of Grace, with Chapter 16, “Family Talk”. Today’s lesson covers Galatians 6:1-10. For context, the Apostle Paul, who wrote many of the books in the New Testament as letters, wrote the Book of Galatians as a letter to the Church of Galatia. Moving into Chapter 6, Mark chose this title because we are going to read what Paul says about families (about the idea of a family). In the lesson Mark explains the passage with three ideas: ‘Family talk’ (Gal 6:1-6), ‘God talk’ (6:7-8), and ‘Pep talk’ (6:9-10). As a family, we are to do to others as we would have done to us, to forgive others, and to bear one another’s burdens. We know a healthy family helps create the backbone of society, however not all families are healthy. But as the body of Christ, we are a family, and as Paul guides us, we need to see ourselves as such to help build a healthy body and family. Join us Sundays at 9:30am CST! Links below: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfocCxLc8BFCta-NO4JkTcA?view_as=subscriber CFBC Website: https://www.championforest.org/worship/watch/biblit.php Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Biblical-Literacy-195629981890/ |
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Chapter 17 - Galatians; Closing Arguments |
05/30/2021 |
David Fleming |
Dr. David Fleming, Director of the Lanier Foundation, delivers the final lesson of the Biblical Literacy series Galatians: A Letter of Grace, with Chapter 17, “Closing Arguments”. Today’s lesson covers Galatians 6:11-18. For context, the Apostle Paul, who wrote (or dictated) many of the books in the New Testament as letters, wrote the Book of Galatians as a letter to the Church of Galatia. Paul begins this final passage with a closing argument directed at the people trying to distort the gospel; he has addressed them throughout the entire book of Galatians. The tone and language are strong in the passage (v11), and he even states that he himself is writing the passage by hand in large letters (perhaps in ALL CAPS, like we would), for emphasis. Paul makes five accusations against them, because they continually attack the Gospel to discredit the message of the cross and grace. Join us Sundays at 9:30am CST! Links below: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfocCxLc8BFCta-NO4JkTcA?view_as=subscriber CFBC Website: https://www.championforest.org/worship/watch/biblit.php Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Biblical-Literacy-195629981890/ |
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