
Series: Advent 2021

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Title Presentation Date Speaker Handouts Slides Audio Video Full Lesson Synopsis
1437 Special Event - Advent: Lesson 1 11/28/2021 Mark Lanier Today was the first Sunday in Advent, and Mark taught the first of four lessons before Christmas. Mark first explained the histories of marking time around the world and how it affected the church regarding holy day observances. He then transitioned to 3 focus areas for Advent that infuse joy and faith:  
  1. Arrival in Bethlehem: God has plans.
  2. Arrival of Christ in our life.
  3. The arrival of Jesus again.
  God has perfect timing, and believers are to rely only on God as we 1) liveĀ with purpose, 2) serve and pray, and 3) demonstrate faith over fear.   Listen to Mark explore the beginning of the Advent season and Godā€™s purpose for us since the beginning of time.
1438 Special Event - Advent Lesson 2: Peace 12/05/2021 Brent Johnson Brent Johnson continued teaching the Advent series with lesson 2. Today is the second Sunday in Advent, Adventus in Latin which means arrival. After sharing in responsive liturgical reading, Brent expounded on the emphasis of week 2: Peace of God. We are promised God's peace as the angels' proclaimed to the shepherds of Jesus' birth, "Fear not." Brent focused on three points of being pleasing to God: 1. Trust / Faith God - Matt 8:23-27. Romans 8:5-8 2. Bring Peace to Others - Matt 5:9. Matthew 28:19-20. Ezra 17:10 3. Pray - Talk and Listen to God - Philippians 4:6-8 God is at work in all things. He will give us peace. Listen as Brent details the meaning of the Second Sunday in Advent. 3
1442 Special Event- Advent: Lesson 4 12/19/2021 Mark Lanier Mark drew the curtain back on Advent lesson 4, unveiling a lesson on ā€œAdventusā€ Ā which is Latin for Arrival. ( Advent is the 4 weeks of celebration on the Christian calendar before Christmas, the birth of Christ.) He broke down the arrival onto 3 life events. 1. Arrival in Bethlehem 2. Arrival in Life 3. Arrival to come, the ā€œsecond comingā€ Mark gives us a brain teaserā€¦which Christmas carol is about the second coming? Do you know? Mark addresses the 3 life events by discussing in detail: 1. Lifeā€™s curveballs 2. Our testimony 3. Our Lord ā€œGodā€ He references many passages in Luke 1:39-53 to address lifeā€™s struggles and solutions, what our testimony should entail, the power it gives us and our promise in our belief that our Lord will come again. Mark closes with profoundly knowing and in deep belief that life throws us curveballs, but we are servants of God and we can tell the world about Ā our God. Joy to the world, the Lord has come and that is who we are.   1
1441 Special Event - Advent: Lesson 3 12/12/2021 Mark Lanier Mark taught lesson 3 in the study of Advent. This weekā€™s emphasis: When Jesus Comes Again. Mark focused on a taste and feast Advent buffet as written in Luke 1. Mark used Scripture to show us life is full of ups and downs, life is full of contrasts, God does incredible things, is always reliable, but not predictable. Listen to Mark explain the social norms/culture of the day through Lukeā€™s Ā accounting of the events leading Ā up to Jesusā€™ birth. In conclusion, we re loved, favored, and we can trust the Lord is with us through all of lifeā€™s ups and downs. 2