
Session 4, Study in Revelations continues with Chapter 1 moving into Chapter 2


02/4/24 Mark continues the study of Revelations by going into detail about how decisions were made about which scrolls and writings were to be put into the Bible Library as we know it. Mark discussed the meaning of Canon and Canonization of the bible. Was Canon to Jesus and the Apostles? Mathew 15:3 Was Canon to the Church? Mathew 15:6 The Church’s recognition of the Canon. Acts 15 Mark then discusses the history of the Canon in some detail Mark reviews in detail: Symbolism Use of numbers 3 and 4 and 7 and 12 Angels and Demons Mark reviews Rev: 1-1-2 Points for Home: We can rely on Scripture for life God reaches all of you Rev 1:8 Let's serve our King Rev 1:6


Speaker: Mark Lanier

