
Chapter 21, Philippians; Bringing it to a close, 11/14/21


Mark brought the study of Philippians to a close with a focus on Philippians 4:14-23. He shared three points from Paul: 1. Finding a Deeper Fellowship: We learn that by doing good for others and sharing in their suffering and trouble, we will be stronger Christians. 2. An Uncomfortable Truth. Paul was familiar with the Greco-Roman culture and their sign of friendship in giving and receiving gifts. He encouraged giving to others with a right heart motive. God is glorified and richly blesses. 3. The Larger World. We should remove our blinders and greet all the saints in Christ Jesus knowing God is at work doing great things all over the world. Listen to Mark provide Scriptural insight that demonstrates Paul’s love and encouragement for the Philippians and all believers.


Speaker: Mark Lanier

