Session 8 - Lesser Known Women of the Bible
Mark continued the series Lesser-Known Women of the Bible with a focus on Shiphrah and Puah, two of God’s unlikely heroes. The Crisis: Egypt enslaved the Israelites when their increasingly large population became a threat. Pharaoh ordered the midwives to kill all newborn male babies. The Courage: Midwives Shiphra and Puah faced the choice of living or killing the babies. They chose life and feared God. The Blessings: God gave the midwives families. Point for home: God often works through the smallest things to accomplish His purposes. Listen to Mark teach the new era of Egypt in which the Pharaoh did not know Joseph or care about the Israelites. Humanity tends to establish their own plans against God’s will. This results in deliberate rejection not just lack of knowledge. Shiphrah and Puah are the first historical instance of civil disobedience.
Speaker: Mark Lanier