GOG 012 - Is God Guilty of Fraud? War and Peace Part C

GOG 012 - Is God Guilty of Fraud? War and Peace Part C


Join Mark for Lesson 12 in “The Greatness of God” series as he concludes the “God of war? or, God of Peace?” segment. Using the Socratic Method, Mark pursues truth through four questions he poses for our consideration on the topic of Evil. What is evil? Why is evil in the World? Where is God in the midst of evil? What is the future of evil? This video is part of a series: The Greatness of God - Mark Lanier, a trial lawyer by trade, examines the truth of God’s greatness by examining His Curriculum Vitae (CV). In consecutive lessons, Mark uses God’s CV to understand who He is, what His greatness has to do with us, why God has done horrible things and allows evil, what is the truth of God’s greatness, does God’s CV indicate that he keeps His promises and does God’s CV include references that back up the claim to His greatness?


Speaker: Mark Lanier

