
Chapter 27, The Old Testament Minor Prophets; Concludes with Malachi.


05/28/2023 Chapter 27, The Old Testament Minor Prophets; Concludes with Malachi.In this last Book of the Minor Prophets , Mark addresses the book of Malachi with respect to, 1.Background 2.Book 3.Points for home The Background is an extensive review of the history of the middle east as seen today and what it looked like from the days of Abraham, as he walks us through the Exodus, the 12 tribes and their linage, David and Solomon, the Divided Kingdom, the Assyrian Conquest of Israel and the Babylonian Conquest of Judah. He addressed the return from exile. He then addressed the people and their work in Judah, to rebuild the Temple. One would wonder what the population of Judah was that could rebuild such a massive structure. Mark addresses that. Mark then discusses Malachiā€™s ā€œPlace in the Bibleā€. We know it is the last book in the Old Testament, King James version of the Bible, but where is it in the Hebrew version and why. The Book Addresses several verses in Malachi and Mark details the expectation of the Lord, with respect to what the Lord has given them and what he expects in return. Some of the specifics are how believers should Honor their father, offering of polluted food, how you should behave when no one is watching, and describes the full meaning of tithe and more. Malachi definitely reveals what God, the Lord, would do if the people did not follow his teachings and expectations. Point for Home. Zephaniah 3:17-19 Hear the God of Love Be authentic, have faith.


Speaker: Mark Lanier

