
Chapter 23, The Old Testament Minor Prophets wrap up with Zechariah.


4-23-23 Biblical-Literacy Mark continued the study of the Minor Prophets with the book of Zechariah. Today he provided an overview of the book written around 518 BC sharing:

  1. Historical context: God relates to amazing people to reflect His image. When humanity fell from God, He promised a male redeemer from the offspring of Eve. Throughout the Old Testament, God promises a Messiah. He is faithful despite our unfaithfulness.
  2. Key passages:  Zechariah 1:1-17 reveals the prophet’s name means "God remembers and will take action." God says return to me, and I will return to you.
  3. Points for home: We need God to be the God of our past, present, and future.
Listen to Mark teach that our God longs to be our God of yesterday, today, and tomorrow to grow us into what He wants to be.


Speaker: Mark Lanier

