
Chapter 18, Old Testament Minor Prophets, Nahum. (pt1)


Note: Last week's lesson from Feb 26 was not published due to technical difficulties. It was addressed in this week's lesson. Summary: Mark Lanier continued the study of the Minor Prophets with Nahum. An oracle to Nineveh in the Assyrian Empire. Mark reviewed:

  1. What in the world was going on? The reign of Ashurbanipal - 668-627 BC called himself the King of the World, the King of the Underworld. He had military might, great cities, postal system, and Eunuch’s as governors. God prophesied thru Nahum his kingdom would be destroyed.
  2. How did Nahum plug in? He prophesied the destruction of Nineveh. God considered Ashurbanipal vile, contemptible, and a lightweight. Nahum quotes Isaiah in 1:15
  3. Points for home - History is developed one day at a time. Keep the faith. - God doesn’t tolerate evil. Let’s seek God’s will on earth as it is in heaven.
Listen to Mark teach us how to keep the faith, trust and obey, and be authentic followers of God.


Speaker: Mark Lanier

