
Lesson 10 - John 4:43-4:45


This lesson covers John 4:43 - 4:45 and the supportingĀ  context verses can offer a purely secular explanation for the rebellion of Israel at a time when stronger surrounding nations were set to take Israel over. Yet the spiritual truth is much more profound, and adds a dimension through faith that should speak to us today. God constantly works through the world as he works in the world. Our tendency is to credit God simply in those areas where we have gaps of knowledge and an inability to offer any other explanation. This is a tragic view as not only setting faith to disappear (when and if the knowledge gap is closed through new understanding), but also in failing to see Godā€™s hand in weaving the fabric of everyday life. When Jesus urged us to pray daily for God to give us bread, he was not suggesting that a loaf would magically appear out of nowhere on our porch each morning. The prayer conveys, at least typically that God will work in and through the world to bring forth the bread needed and prayed for..


Speaker: W. Mark Lanier



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