SE - Summer Series : Attributes of God; Part 8
August 25,2024 Traits of God, The Holy Spirit Mark Lanier Mark asks three questions: 1. What is the Holy Spirit? 2. What does the Holy Spirit do? 3. How do we see the Scripture? Mark addressed these questions: 1. What is the Holy Spirit? Holy: 1. Connected with God or a particular Religion 2. Good in a moral and religious way Spirit: 1. The part of a person 2. The soul thought of as separate from the Body Ghost: Soul Mark explains in some detail from, verses in Scripture, the Difference between Spirit and spirit. 2. What does the holy spirit do? Ref: John 14-16, John 14-17 1.The Spirit will indwell in the believer 2.The Spirit will teach and remind 3.Bear witness to Jesus(w/apostles) 4.Convict of sin 5.Glorify Jesus 3. How do we see this in scripture: Ref: Acts 2:4, 5:32, 7:55, 10:38 and 1Cor 3:15 Homework: checkout OT and NT pre-Pentecost Take home: Affirm the Spirits work, Glorify Christ, and Pray for the Spirit’s work