
SE - Revelations, The Second Coming of Jesus


4-28-24 Biblical-Literacy Dr. David Capes taught a class in the Study of Revelation with a focus on the apocalyptic themes noted by the Apostle Paul. Dr. Capes reviewed more traits of apocalyptic themes including analysis of the academic definition, literature of the time, and how it encouraged faithfulness for the persecuted believers.  In addition, Dr. Capes shared about Paul’s mindset and apocalyptic ideas in his writing: experienced visions, two ages of history (this evil age ruled by Satan and the age to come ruled by God), Jesus came to deliver us from this present age, and how we remain locked in battle with spiritual forces. Listen to Dr. Capes conclude in sharing a C.S. Lewis excerpt from Narnia and contrasting two kinds of people: living and dead. Where will you be? God wants to rescue you from this present age.


Speaker: Dr. David Capes

