
SE-Mark Lanier Interviews Fred Gray, lawyer who represented Rosa Park


1-14-24 Biblical-Literacy In today’s class, Mark had Pastor Jarrett Stephens interviewed the highly respected Fred Gray, the civil rights attorney who represented Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. and is a young ninety-three years old. Mark began the interview with a statement about MLK weekend and the reconciliation of races noting: Regardless of the color of skin, all humans are created in the image of God. Mr. Gray’s mother told him he could be anything he wanted as long as he did three things: 1. Kept Christ first. 2. Remain in school. 3. Stay out of trouble and avoid the criminal justice system that isn’t always fair. Listen to Mr. Gray, also a preacher since the age of twelve, talk about God’s continuous provision throughout his education and career and how he will never stop working against racial discrimination


Speaker: Mark Lanier and Fred Gray

