
SE - GOG Our God Pursues


Scott Riling taught The Greatness of God - Our God Pursues. Scott spoke how the prodigal son is really about the loving father who like our Father God allows us to make mistakes while he pursues us. Scripture backs it up. Genesis 3:8-11: God pursued Adam and Eve when they sinned. God pursued the relationship. 2 Chronicles 16:9: God is looking to support those who love Him. Psalm 17:8: We long for God to keep us as the apple of His eye. Psalm 23:4: God pursues, protects, and disciplines. His rod represents power and authority. Ezekiel 20:37: The rod (God’s) staff is used to lift, touch, and guide. Psalm 23:6: God brings goodness and mercy by following us. John 3:16: God the pursuer. Listen to Scott give us examples throughout the Bible that remind us of God’s continuous love and His pursuit of us.


Speaker: Scott Riling
