
SE - Conversation with Dr. Ed Stetzer


Biblical-Literacy 11-12-23 Mark diverted teaching from Genesis to interview Dr. Ed Stetzer,an evangelical scholar, author, missiologist, and Dean of Talbot School of Theology at Biola University in La Mirada, California. Dr. Stetzer also hosts a radio show and weekly podcast.Mark posed various questions that began with the highlights of Dr. Stetzer’s life. Through God’s leading, Dr. Stetzer shared his personal life and his prayerful following of God through various means of planting churches and training others how to do the same.Listen to Mark and Dr. Stetzer discuss how to engage the world around us positively for Christ, build bridges within our culture while staying on mission for God’s glory.


Speaker: Mark Lanier & Dr. Ed Stetzer

