
SE - Conversation with Dr. Darrell Bock from Dallas Theological Seminary


In today’s class Mark interviewed guest Dr. Darrell Bock, the Executive Director of Cultural Engagement and Senior Research Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. Mark posed a variety of questions to Dr. Bock, who expertly wowed us with his wisdom, humor, and relational biblical instructions for living in today’s culture. The interview covered:

  1. Personal info. Married 48 years to Sally. 3 children and 5 grands. Grew up in Houston. Jewish on both sides of his family. Came to faith in Jesus in college. Seminary in Dallas. Doctorate in Aberdeen, Scotland.
  2. Interests in fields of academia: spent 90 minutes to 2 hours everyday for 14 years writing 2 extensive volumes on the Gospel of Luke. Words of encouragement: time with God. Never turn off the opportunity to hear from the Word of God.
  3. Message: We live in a country that is a democracy. We have free speech. Add technology, and we have fostered an atmosphere that can be counterproductive to the aroma of Christ. Jesus says if we follow Him, the world will persecute us. Do not be surprised. Do not fear. God has us in His hands.
Listen to Dr. Bock and Mark share how to reach others through the power of love. People are not the enemy but the goal. Give like God gave.


Speaker: Mark Lanier & Dr. Darrell Bock

