
SE - A Conversation with Dr. William Lane Craig


Mark interviewed William Lane Graig, who delighted the class with a very heartwarming and deeply spiritual review of his life growing up and his achievements throughout his life in search of the truths about being a Believer in the power of God, since accepting Christ at the age of sixteen. He recounted his acceptance of Christ as his Savior and his pursuit of higher educationĀ in the fields of Philosophy of Religion, Christian History of Thought, and Historical Evidence of the Resurrection of Jesus In this pursuit he achieved two Masters Degrees, PhD in England and D, Theology in Germany. He also lived with his wife and family in Brussels where he did research at the University of Louvain. He displayed an incredibly positive and joyous attitude about being a Christian. He shared his life, accomplishments and precious family with us that made your heart beat faster and brought a big smile to your face. He is currently a Professor of Philosophy at Houston Baptist University.


Speaker: Mark Lanier

