
Mark interviews World Class Scholars; Dr.’s Ortiz, Monson and Younger


03/02/25 Bib-Lit.docx Mark interviews three well known biblical scholars. Dr. Steve Ortiz Dr. John Manson Dr. Lawson Younger We are looking at our guests to enlighten us through scripture on: 1. How we See the World 2. How we See Scripture 3. How we See God Dr. Ortiz Grew up in LA and moved to Arizona with his wife and two children. He lived in Isreal and then back to New Orleans. He then left New Orleans and attended South Western Baptist Seminary and after that accepted a position as a Professor at Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tennessee. Dr. John Manson was Born in Zaire which was the Democratic Republic of the Congo from 1971 to 1997. It was a country in Central Africa. He received hi PHD from Harvard University. Dr. Lawson Younger was a math major in college and following the words of 1 John 5:13 he suddenly realized that he could have eternal life, he changed his focus to learning Latin, Greek and Hebrew. All of this helped him understand the context of how scriptures were developed. They discussed how Burial was achieved in the Old Testament of the Bible. The belief was that the flesh decayed, along with it the sins of the dead and your spirit was raised into Gods Kingdom after that. It should be noted that Jesus raised from the dead in full body since he was without sin. Each of the guest were asked to talk about how their academic discipline enriched scripture in ways that can transform our lives. A great discussion took place concerning Tihlath-Pilser5 III, King of the Neo-Assyrian Empire from 745 BC to his death in 727. His reign marked the true transition of Assyria into an empire.


Speaker: Mark Lanier

