
Chapter 9 - Snapshots of Jesus as seen through the Gospels, Gospel of Matthew


Dr. David B. Capes taught for Mark this week providing an overview of the Gospel of Matthew as part of the Snapshots of Jesus series. Dr. Capes posed the question: If we knew the Old Testament well, how might it impact how we read Matthew? In Matthew 1:1, we see Jesus as: 1. Messiah - God with us, Son of Man, LORD. One who is anointed. God’s chosen anointed agent whose task is to liberate the world from disease, death, spiritual power, sin, and oppression (including religion and political). 2. Son of David - David’s kingdom will continue through the Messiah. David’s son would be on the throne of David forever. 3. Son of Abraham - Jesus is true Israel. God’s covenant with Abraham and His promise to be a blessing to all nations. We discover Matthew purposely mentions five women in the lineage of Jesus: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, wife of Uriah (Bathsheba), and Mary mother of Jesus. Jesus’ teachings demonstrate women have a new role in the kingdom of God. Outsiders have become insiders. Listen to Dr. Capes explain an overview of Jesus from the Gospel of Matthew. Jesus is the fulfiller of prophecy. God with us.


Speaker: Dr. David Capes

