
Chapter 8 - Snapshots of Jesus as seen through the Gospels, Gospel of Mark


Mark completes Snapshots of Jesus from the Book of Mark lesson series by reflecting on the spread of Christianity after the Crucifixion of Christ. The journey starts with a pictorial view of the spread of Christianity across continents and Oceans bringing us to 2021 and beyond. Mark identifies the top four countries that,to this day, continue persecution of Christians in many forms. He shows statistics that hundreds of millions of people are still in 2021 being persecuted for their religious beliefs. Mark also showed that tens of thousands of Christians are still being persecuted in various other ways including death, illegal detention, imprisonment and more. Mark then introduced two prominent historical figures who were staunch believers, willing to give their lives to have a better life in God’s Kingdom. Tertullian 155- 220 and Polycarp 69 -156. Mark discussed in detail Mark 8: 34 and 9: 1 These verses address thought of self, verses denying one’s self and following God. Mark closes by answering the question should you lose yourself in the pursuit of God.


Speaker: Mark Lanier

