
Chapter 7 - Snapshots of Jesus as seen through the Gospels, Gospel of Mark


Mark continued teaching Snapshots of Jesus from the Gospel of Mark. Today’s lesson was titled How Do You Walk Through Life? Mark 4:35-41 presents a crescendo of Jesus’ four miracles— 1. Defeats Nature: Jesus calmed the sea. We see the humanity of the weary Jesus and His divine power. 2. Defeats Demons: Jesus casts out a legion of demons and sent them into pigs and drowns them. 3. Defeats Sickness: The healing of Jairus’s twelve-year-old daughter and the woman with a discharge of blood for twelve years. 4. Defeats Death: Jesus raises a twelve-year-old girl from the dead. Listen to Mark share insights of these four miracles. No power can withstand the Kingdom of God or the Lord


Speaker: Mark Lanier

