
Chapter 6 - Snapshots of Jesus, Worldview, as seen Throughout the Gospels; Gospel of Mark


In this chapter of Snapshots of Jesus, Pastor Brent Johnson discusses the idea of Biblical Worldview. He provides a definition for “World View, as “an understanding of the world, which informs one’s fundamental beliefs and assumptions, which builds a framework of ideas & attitudes about the world and how it works.” It is informed by your upbringing, your culture, your religion. Brent in his discussion addresses topics and questions that are reflected in our World View: 1. What is the prime reality? 2. Origin 3. Destiny 4. Purpose 5. Morality He continues by referring to several World Views, but his focus is the World View of “Theism,” which is what Christianity is associated with. Brent also addresses the difference between Christian World View and the Biblical World View, and specifically discusses the Biblical view of the Kingdom of God, Evangelism, Communing with God and revealing the laws. Biblical references: Luke17:20-21, Luke4:42-44, Mark1:14-15, John3:3-8


Speaker: Brent Johnson

