
Chapter 4 - Snapshots of Jesus as seen through the Gospels; Gospel of Mark


Mark continued Snapshots of Jesus from the Gospel of Mark asking the question: Where are you headed in life? Mark began the lesson with the definition of the Greek word hodos, which has three meanings that are used throughout the Bible: 1) a way for traveling or moving from one place to another, way, road, or highway 2) the act of traveling, way, trip, journey 3) a way of behavior or the course of life. The Gospel of Mark used hodos, translated this way 16 times. Life is a unique journey that we make when we choose to follow Jesus. The way: 1. Path or road - the physical road we walk 2. Way of life - the Christian way is one of practical, everyday trust and faith. 3. Christ is the way of salvation. Listen to Mark teach how the Greek word Hodos or the way applies to followers of Christ today. 2-6-22 Biblical-Literacy


Speaker: Mark Lanier

