
Chapter 24 - Snapshots of Jesus as seen through the Gospels, Gospel of Luke


Mark continued the series Snapshots of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke. Mark teaches God’s great concern for the outsiders by using parables to teach His principles.
1. What are parables? A narrative or story that is told to convey an underlying message. During the time of Jesus, parables were used as a teaching tool.
2. Parables only in Luke.
--The Good Samaritan Luke 10:25-37
--The Parable of the Rich Fool Luke 12:13-21
--The Rich Man and Lazarus Luke 16:19-31
3. Points for home.
--Look for Jesus’ vision
--Serving love in action
--Make this real in our lives today
Listen to Mark explain the value of each parable in today’s lesson and how the context of the day and the context of the Bible help us understand Jesus’ meaning to his listeners then and today.


Speaker: Mark Lanier

