
Chapter 15 - Snapshots of Jesus as seen through the Gospels, Gospel of Matthew


5-15-22 Biblical-literacy Mark continued his series of Snapshots of Jesus returning to the Gospel of Matthew and addressingĀ a few odd passages.

  1. Friends. Matthew 11:16-19 - Jesus was a friend of sinners and to me. Wisdom bears fruit.
  2. Vegetables Matthew 13:31-32 - Big things can grow from little starts.
  3. Moving Matthew 8:1-3 - Although we are all unclean lepers, Jesus will never turn you away when you come to Him for help.
  4. Bonus Passage. Matthew 20:20-22 - James and Johnā€™s motherā€™s request. God knows best.
Listen to Mark explain how Jesus is our friend, our faith may start small, but it grows. MarkĀ encourages us to approach Jesus for all things.  


Speaker: Mark Lanier

