
Chapter 14 - Snapshots of Jesus as seen through the Gospels, Gospel of Matthew


5-8-22 Biblical-Literacy Mark taught Mother’s Day: Lessons and instructions from the Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 6 as he continued Snapshots of Jesus. Manners of righteousness, the how and why.

  1. The Instruction - Matthew 6:1-4
Danger is always present. Beware of practicing righteousness in front of people. We don’t do it to be seen by them. Instead allow our reward to be from God and in heaven.
  1. The Applications - Matthew 6:5-6
Give in secret. Don’t let your right hand know what your left hand is doing. Pray in secret. Practice humility. Your Father who is not seen will see and reward you. Pray with a sincere heart., not with many words. Fast in secret. May it not be seen by others. Listen to Mark summarize Jesus’ instructions for the righteous life that pleases God


Speaker: Mark Lanier

