
Chapter 12, Snapshots of Jesus continues, Holyweek


4-10-22 Biblical-Literacy Mark taught today on Holy Week, giving us snapshots of Jesus from the days leading to the crucifixion and Resurrection Sunday/Easter

  • Palm Sunday-The Triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. The people went out to meet Him, just as we are to meet Jesus every day.
  • Holy Monday-Jesus came as a man of peace, fulfilling Old Testament prophecy.
  • Holy Tuesday-The puzzle of God or Word of God? Jesus was pierced for our transgressions. God is a just God.
  • Holy Wednesday-Mary anoints the feet of Jesus with expensive oil. Are we giving our best to the Lord?
  • Maundy Thursday-The instruction of Jesus.  Jesus washed the feet of His disciples. He washes us clean
  • Good Friday-The day of Jesus’ crucifixion


Speaker: Mark Lanier

