
Session 6 , Revelation Chapter TWO


2-18-24 -Biblical-Literacy Mark continued in the series A Study of Revelation which was a comfort to the church in its struggle against the forces of evil. Christ wins over Satan. 1. Symbolism -a quality or an idea that showed the church how God desires a complete relationship with them. Not all images are symbols. Never lose focus of the message. 2. The Letters -content structured in similar way for each. The symbolism of the number 7, which means completion. Ephesus -You have abandoned your first love. Smyrna -No condemnation but a warning of what the devil will do. Be faithful. 3. Points for home •Christ is with us •Love is the key •Be always faithful Listen to Mark discuss the symbolism in Revelation and the meaning of the number 7 in the setting and letters to the 7 churches. Listen also to the accounting of Polycarp’s faith through arrest and execution. He was Bishop of the church in Smyrna.


Speaker: Mark Lanier

