
Session 13- Revelations, Blow the trumpets!!!!


5/5/24 Biblical-Literacy Mark continued in The Study of Revelation with a comparison of chapters 4:7 and 8:11 The lesson showed how John’s two visions compare and relate to the people at the time of writing and those living in the age of the church. Revelation 4-7: The 7 seals,what each signify and there effect on believers and unbelievers concluding with Jesus’s second coming. Revelation 8-11: The 7 trumpets parallel the 7 seals and occur at the same time. Trumpets refer to warnings and judgment throughout the Bible. Points for home: God is in control Jesus is both our savior and judge He is our peace Listen to Mark teach God is always at work and remains in control. There is nothing pretty about evil, but thankfully Satan’s powers have limits.


Speaker: Mark Lanier

