
Chapter 5 - Philippians; Things Happen...Rejoice!


Pastor David Fleming was the guest teacher for today’s Biblical-Literacy class on Philippians 1:12-18. In Paul’s letter to the Philippians, dark things happened to him. But Paul rejoiced in it all because it glorified God. While we may ask the question “why,” Paul offered a road map as the answer. 1. Kingdom mindset. A faith perspective in how we think. Attitude determines altitude. Readers of his letter knew what had happened to Paul. Feared for him. God was in the process. Romans 8:28 is a promise from God. As children of God, all things are God filtered. Wait and see what God will do. 2. Eyes of faith. See the happenings through the lens of God. Paul was a prisoner of Christ which was the sole reason he was a prisoner in Rome. 3. Christ centered priorities. Paul shared that his friends know who he was, why he was in the prison situation - for God’s glory. Paul models what our response should be with dark happenings in our lives. As we relate to others, we should not devalue what we value the most—that Christ be glorified.    


Speaker: David Fleming

