
Chapter 15, Philippians; Paul on Target


09/26/2021, Ā Paul on Target Markā€™s class today focused on Paulā€™s message to the Gentiles, as described in Philippians 3:1- 14. Mark began by developing the necessity for Paul to identify and speak directly to his ā€œtargetā€ audience, who were Gentiles hearing the call of the Judaizers. The Judaizers, with great zeal wanted Gentiles to accept and practice Jewish Law and practice Key Jewish rituals, having them believe that this would bring them more in tune with the covenant of Abraham. Todays lesson will address:Ā  The Challenge The Goal The process The Challenge: Phil. 3:1-8a Paulā€™s challenge was to convince the Gentiles that, after a life of persecution of them and a message of relying on the Law and Jewish rituals to the extreme, that he could let go of things of the flesh and focus on knowing Christ Jesus. This transformation began to unfold on the experience Paul had on the Damascus road. The Goal: Phil. 3: 8b-11 After Paulā€™s conversion, all that he had ā€œgainedā€ he counted as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus. Paul indicated, that for Christ sake, he had suffered the loss of all things and he counts them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having righteousness on my own. The Process: Phil. 3: 12 Paul admits that he has not already obtained his goal set forth in Phil 3: 8b-11 or that he is already perfect, but he emphatically emphasizes that he will press on in his pursuit to make Christ his own as Christ has done for him. The question is then, WHO ARE YOU CHASING AFTER? Points to Ponder:Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Paul had it all, and saw it as garbage Where am I finding value? Profits and Losses I want to re-examine my priorities I havenā€™t arrived yet ā€¦ but I know what I am chasing But Iā€™m pressing on to the higher calling of my Lord


Speaker: Mark Lanier



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