
Lesson 8 - Jacob and Faith - Part 1


Faith is like racquetball in some ways, and yet, it is very different in others. Like racquetball, faith is a personal matter; it is not a team sport. Each of us has our individual faith walk with the Lord. There are times where we are on our game, where our intimacy with the Father is warmly felt, and consciously confirmed. Then, other times we are “off.” The warmth is not so great, and doubts crowd the mind.

Unlike racquetball, faith is not easily measured with objective results. Some people are quick to openly discuss such things, as time and opportunity appear. But for most, there never is a full disclosure, no real ability to measure or appraise “where we are” versus where others are. Consider in this vein, the life of Jacob. We read of Jacob in over ten chapters of Genesis, yet to the extent we know the stories, we carry presuppositions that make it hard for us to fully understand who he was and what struggles he had in his life.

Join Mark Lanier in part one of "Jacob and Faith" as we better appreciate Jacob's life story in Scripture, his struggle with God, and the choices of life.  He had faith, yet he lived in ways and made choices that have made scholars uncomfortable for thousands of years. As we study and consider Jacob, it is instructive to understand not just his story, but also how that story compares to our lives.


Speaker: W. Mark Lanier



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