
Lesson 7 - Isaac and Links in a Chain


Think for a moment about a heavy metal chain – the kind that holds up a heavy load. These are chains that get used to protect people from suspended items that are dangerously heavy.

Which link is the most important?

We come to this illustration as we discuss what Genesis teaches about Isaac. Isaac is a link in the promise of God to bring a successful resolution to the problems brought about by the sin in the garden.  However, it is surprising that Genesis spends relatively little time on Isaac independent of others in Genesis. We read of Isaac as a passive part of the story of Abraham’s obedient willingness to sacrifice him to God. We will also read of Isaac as a role player in the struggle between Jacob and Esau, but we read relatively little that focuses directly on Isaac and his direct interactions with God.

However, this does not diminish the importance of Isaac as a link in the chain.


Speaker: W. Mark Lanier



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