Lesson 53 - Jeremiah - Part 1

Lesson 53 - Jeremiah - Part 1


"Jeremiah was a bullfrog, such a good friend of mine."  Are you old enough to rember those lyrics from Three Dog Night's song, "Joy to the World"?  Did you know that the original lyrics were once intended to be, "Jeremiah was a PROPHET, such a good friend of mine."  It is true that Jeremiah was indeed a prophet, however his message didn't lend itself to winning over many friends!  Fortunately for us, today we can study Jeremiah and gleen a lot of wonderful truth and insight.

The book of Jeremiah has so much material, such a depth of character presentation; it is tied closely within its historical setting, yet it maintains a vision of the future. It is a collection of material, not a chronological presentation, so it is ripe for (and demands) thorough and careful study.

Join Mark Lanier as we study two different questions:

  1. Who was Jeremiah the man?

2. What was Jeremiah’s core message?

This week, Jeremiah, the man.


Speaker: W. Mark Lanier



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