
Lesson 45 - The Fall of Israel: Prelude to the Fall - Part 1


The way we view events in the world (and in our lives) is subject to our perspective and understanding of the forces that create change. Do we see Biblical events the same? Do we put on the lense of secular perspective or do we put on the lense of spiritual understanding? Or perhaps, we use both lenses to better understand God's purpose and design more fully?

Join Mark Lanier as he begins a three part series on the Fall of Israel. You will gain a historical perspective on Israel's fate and hopefully you will also understand that we are to live right before God, trusting him with the consequences. Our job is to set one foot in front of the other, seeking his will on earth as it is in heaven. In this walk, as we acknowledge him, we trust him to make our paths straight. 

Our goal this first week is to set into perspective the earthly and spiritual perspectives, providing a background for the more in depth considerations in lessons to come.


Speaker: W. Mark Lanier



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