
Lesson 38 - Psalms - Part 1


How would you rate your knowledge of poetry?  Is your knowledge limited to "The Night Before Christmas" or the always popular, "Roses are Red, Violets are Blue...?"  Or maybe you are a true connoisseur of Shakespear's sonnets, of iambic pentameter, and various rhyming schemes.  Or maybe you haven't given poetry much thought at all.  As a student of the Bible, you are faced with reading and understanding poetry, no matter your expertise.

As Mark Lanier begins a multi-part study of Psalms, we begin by learning that the Psalms are poetry.  Yet they are not simply expressions of the heart and mind, but they are also tools of teaching. They inspire as they increase our understanding of God and man. The insights that can come from deliberative chewing on the messages within the simplest of verses, heightens the appreciation that God has used many different literary tools to present his revelation to humanity.



Speaker: W. Mark Lanier



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