
Lesson 37 - Amos - Part 2


There are many areas in our world that need the light of God shining and illuminating the dark corners of sin, hypocrisy, and ignorance. Racism has no part among God’s people, nor does abuse of the poor. These are social messages, but that does not relegate them as distant concerns of God. As Mark Lanier returns to finish a study of Amos, we are reminded that God is not simply concerned about the personal sins of one’s life. God is also concerned with our corporate and social interactions on a larger scale.

God cares about the justice in our society. He cares for the poor and downtrodden. He cares for the outcast and the alien. When God’s people do not care as he does, the words of Amos ring with direct confrontation and super clarity.


Speaker: W. Mark Lanier



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