
Lesson 37 - Amos - Part 1


The United States of America is a country that prides itself on independence, freedom, equality, and economics. The American economic system is termed “capitalism.” It is a free enterprise system that allows the market to dictate prices for goods and services. People are allowed to work in this system for their own individual prosperity. The good side of capitalism is its ability to raise the level of life for everyone in a society, as raising water lifts every boat. Left without some manner of regulation, however, capitalism can lead to the wealthy preying upon the poor, letting “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.” In a land of opportunity, many believe that kind of unfettered capitalism can be abusive.

These ideas come to the front as Mark Lanier combines a lesson that teaches the last three letters of the Hebrew alphabet, and begins the study of the prophet Amos.


Speaker: W. Mark Lanier



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