
Lesson 26 - 2 Samuel - Part 1: David - The Bathsheba Affair


In 1683, the University of Oxford conducted the last book burning sanctioned by the government in England.  One of the books banned and burned was Lex, Rex, written by the Scottish Presbyterian Samuel Rutherford.  In his book Rutherford wrote, "The law hath a supremacy of constitution above the king." In substantiating his argument, Rutherford quoted the Biblical account of King Saul. Rutherford believed that the law is over the king rather than the king over the law.

As Mark Lanier considers David in this lesson, we see that David found a time where he violated in rapid succession three of the Ten Commandments, but not without dire consequence to him and to his family. For David, as for all rulers, God’s authority trumps that of the king!


Speaker: W. Mark Lanier



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