
Lesson 21 - Journey Lessons from Joshua


Have you ever used the phrase, "Do Over!"?  Or played the game of golf and declared "Mulligan" after hitting a bad shot?  For God, we understand these concepts as "Grace."  A wonderful second chance to do what is right in the eyes of God.

Join Steve Taylor as we look at the lessons to be learned from Joshua as he leads the nation of Israel in their journey after the death of Moses.  A journey that should have taken one year had instead taken forty, all because of some terribly wrong choices. But instead of completely abandoning the Israelites, God gave them a second chance of sorts – a do-over, a mulligan. Here was their second chance to enter the land that God had promised them through Abraham and Moses, to see God work in ways that only God could work, and to be a testimony to the world of what a great God He is.


Speaker: Steve Taylor



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