
Lesson 20 - Joshua and the Promised Land - Part 2


Are you familiar with Father Guido Sarducci's sketch from the 1970's where he offers his five-minute university degree?  He humorously taught us that there are a limited number of things we will remember five years after graduating from college.  So, why bother learning the entire subject, let's just learn what we will remember five years later.

As Mark Lanier continues in Part 2 of "Joshua and the Promised Land" we attempt to go just a little deeper than Father Guido Sarducci might recommend.  We hope to open a door to understanding the issues behind the archaeological record of Joshua and Jericho.  We will compare the archaeological findings to the data supplied in the Bible. This means exploring some of the more important finds, and discussing the interpretations of those finds. Rarely is a finding absolute in its import or meaning, and often a great deal of interpretation is involved, giving a range of possible understandings.

Join Mark as he suggests that the main use for archaeology is to put Biblical stories and passages into a cultural context so that they can better be understood. As our vision of the physical and cultural background to the Bible expands, so does our understanding of the Bible passages written within that background.


Speaker: W. Mark Lanier



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