
Lesson 20 - Joshua and the Promised Land - Part 1


Perception is a funny thing.  We often hear that perception is reality.  Unfortunately for many of us the quest for reality stops with our perception.  Usually there is so much more depth to reality and truth than just mere perception.

For example, as we contemplate the Israelites’ invasion of the Promised Land, some of us have perceptions that are not necessarily reflective of what the Bible teaches. It is probably true for many even in the world of scholastic research and writing.

Join Mark Lanier as we begin a three part series on "Joshua and the Promised Land".  In part one we focus on the interaction between archaeology and the Bible’s account of the Israelites’ settlement of the Promised Land in the book of Joshua, understanding that we need to first carefully consider what the Bible has to say about the subject and then we need our perceptions of Biblical teaching aligned with the reality of Biblical teaching.


Speaker: W. Mark Lanier



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